2020 IBM X-Force 威脅情報指數報告詳解網絡攻擊最主要的三大初始媒介

IBM Security 於上週公佈了 2020 年 IBM X-Force 威脅情報指數報告。報告重點闡述了數十年來犯罪技術經歷了怎樣的演變,在此期間網絡犯罪技術非法訪問了數百億條企業記錄和個人記錄,並利用了數十萬個軟件缺陷。報告顯示,在首次遭受攻擊的受害者中,有 60% 是源於過往被盜憑證或已知軟件漏洞,攻擊者無需大費周章實施詐騙就能獲得訪問權限。

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IBM Systems Hardware 2020 Hong Kong Calendar

Kung hei fat choi! Happy new year! The folks at IBM Hong Kong’s Systems Hardware team has created a special “Digital” 2020 Hong Kong calendar that can be used as desktop wallpaper for your computers.

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Planning Your Hybrid Multicloud Success with Open Source

Open source is now an enterprise reality. According to Forrester1, 90% of enterprises are already using two or more types of open source technologies; more than half are using five or more.

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Designed for Humans: Why Enterprises Are Embracing Enterprise Design Thinking

How do you give your offering the love of millions? For ages, enterprises have been searching for the right answer. Those who did are now respectable brands. Those who did not are exceptional business cases of what went wrong. But getting a consumer hit is no longer enough. To be successful, today’s enterprises need to […]

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Your Answer to Enterprise Open Source Software Support is Already Here

Open source is now becoming mainstream, with many enterprises seeing it as a necessary part of their infrastructure. The motivations are several. Besides lowering the cost of total ownership, open source can help to accelerate agile application development, drive IT infrastructure modernization, and become a foundation for digital transformation.

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Breached! Now, Every Second Matters …

Tik, tok, tik, tok…time is of great essence in a security breach. The problem is that many companies are often in disarray when there is a breach. The root cause lies in our perception gap. We have mostly focused our attention at detecting, isolating, preventing, and learning from previous attacks. But when it comes to […]

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IBM Security Summit:以新時代思維推動保安創新

  創新要在安全的基礎上才能持續發展,保安也需要創新來應對日新月異的威脅。這是不久前舉行的 IBM Security Summit 以「Security for Innovation. Innovation for Security」所傳遞的訊息。

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IBM Security Summit: Security Innovation Needs New Era Rethink

Innovation and security are entwined. Sustainable innovation needs robust security, while security needs innovation to tackle evolving threats. It was the main takeaway at the IBM Security Summit titled “Security for Innovation. Innovation for Security.”

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IBM Positioned as a Leader in 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services in Europe and Asia/Pacific

IBM has announced that Gartner Inc. has positioned IBM as a Leader in the 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Outsourcing and Hybrid Infrastructure Managed Services for Europe and Asia/Pacific. IBM was again positioned the highest in ability to execute.

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