
(文章亦同時被 Unwire Pro 引用) 隨著應用加深,越來越多企業留意到現行雲端服務的一些不足之處,希望對雲端資源有更高的掌握能力,因此實體機(Bare Metal)已成為市場一個不可忽視的趨勢。實體機是非虛擬的雲端服務,一切從中央處理器、記憶體、儲存裝置、操作系統到應用程式都由客戶獨享,不與其他企業共享。

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【AI預警】人工智能分析天氣數據 預測人體敏感風險

(文章於2020年9月1日在香港經濟日報網站刊登) 身體對環境敏感是愈來愈多現代人的煩惱,有人在天氣變化或換季時皮膚和呼吸系統就會感到不適或痕癢。美國最近就有一項能對觸發人體敏感的環境因素作出分析,並預測風險的免費服務面世。

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Creating the Foundation for Finance Transformation

  At Generali Hong Kong, we knew it was time to transform our way of doing business. We were growing fast in a market that was also evolving quickly. There has always been a need to reduce the complexity in the way insurance business is conducted without compromising the regulations, and with rising customer expectations […]

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Architecting Banking 4.0 with IBM’s New Innovation Unit

Banks throughout the world is consistently ranked at the top as one of the most trusted institutions. They want their banks to offer a safe foundation for their financial planning. And banks made it their priority. The health pandemic changed this concept of trust. We have seen significant up take on digital access to banking […]

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Major Macau Bank Tames Unstructured Data Growth with Cloud Object Storage

For banks, data is a complex matter. Unlike many other industries, data in banking is regulated and critical for daily operations. Their services rely on it to respond fast, while regulators require it for compliance. So, it is not surprising that banks face a tsunami in data growth.

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How Banks Can Drive a Post Pandemic Renaissance: Journey to the Next Normal

The COVID-19 outbreak is impacting all segments of the financial services industry from retail banking, transaction banking, corporate banking to investment banking. Facing operational stress, concerns about employee health and working environment, market volatility and other issues, banks have responded with multiple actions including the shift to mostly remote working environments, enabling employees to assist […]

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(文章於2020年6月29日在香港經濟日報網站刊登) 金融服務業一向被視為應用科技上相對保守的行業,客戶利益、監管法規、保安風險等因素都促使行內企業要審慎行事。但近年來消費者渴求切合需求的金融服務,而且顛覆式的金融科技也正向傳統金融服務步步進逼,銀行、保險公司、證券行等都要積極回應挑戰。

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Citistore Speeds Up SAP Modernization with Linux on IBM Power9

In today’s retail landscape, decisions are made at lightspeed. It is why a robust enterprise resource planning (ERP) system lies at the heart of every successful retailer. Citistore Hong Kong Limited (Citistore) was no different. Since its founding in 1989, Citistore grew to become Hong Kong’s famous department store by delivering products that consumers want […]

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AI for Hong Kong AIs: Begin With a Governance Framework

Artificial intelligence (also known as Augmented Intelligence) is becoming more than another popular buzzword. The emerging technology is becoming part of our daily lives, with many enterprises viewing it as the new driver for business growth. As enterprises speed up their adoption of AI in business, the spotlight shifts to its governance. In banks, decision […]

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