Hybrid Cloud

Setting the Groundwork for Collaborative Innovation in the Greater Bay Area

  Application programming interfaces (APIs) glue today’s modern IT infrastructure together. They allow organizations to interface with other systems and maximize on third-party platforms. APIs have driven the emergence of new economy companies in the likes of Airbnb, Grab, Uber.

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AI and the Cognitive Enterprise Usher in the Next Era of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is an ever-present challenge that is now entering a new era. The coming of what many call the 4th industrial revolution is driving businesses into the era of intelligence. Driven by the unprecedented convergence of technological, social and regulatory forces, technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), automation, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain and 5G […]

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Setting the Groundwork for Collaborative Innovation in the Greater Bay Area

  Application programming interfaces (APIs) glue today’s modern IT infrastructure together. They allow organizations to interface with other systems and maximize on third-party platforms. APIs have driven the emergence of new economy companies in the likes of Airbnb, Grab, Uber.

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(文章亦同時被 Unwire Pro 引用) 今時今日,大部分企業面對的營運情況,已要同時在多個雲環境上操作。無論是人力資源部招聘員工、生產部門追蹤貨運,或市場部招徠顧客,各部門往往繞過企業 IT 部門,直接從外界雲端進行存取。 IDC 指出 2017 年全球公共雲服務市場增長達 28.6%,其中以亞太地區增速最快。2018 年 8 月 IDG Research 公佈的數據顯示,企業 IT 預算的 30% 分配到雲端應用上;43% 的企業正在使用混合雲;12% 正在使用多雲環境,兩者兼用則佔 30%。隨著企業逐漸把更多應用和服務遷往雲端,雲環境發生了演變,複雜性和監管程度均達到前所未有的水平。 遷移到多雲環境是大勢所趨,IT 部門宜儘量協調及優化進程,切勿漠視或阻礙發展。本文將描繪企業須具備的特質,以達到混合雲環境的新需求。

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AI更開放普及 企業靈活使用

(文章於2019年4月29日在香港經濟日報刊登) 大家有沒有這樣的經歷:點菜明明選了 A 餐,又想吃 B 餐的頭盤,但餐廳卻不容許混搭選配,只能遙望鄰桌的菜興歎。 資訊科技世界也常有這情況。AI 具強大應用潛力,環球審計機構羅兵咸永道預測,AI 到 2030 年的全球經濟價值將達 16 萬億美元,但業內評估目前 AI 的企業滲透率只得 4%。AI 就像一道很吸引的菜,為甚麼大家不能隨心享用呢? 從業內觀察所得,企業的顧慮主要有三點:第一,現代數據龐大複雜,企業不敢太快引進變革;第二,請不到建立和營運 AI 系統的人才;第三,AI 應用程式介面(API)與特定平台扣連,難以移到企業既有數據平台運行。

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Cathay Pacific Takes Business Agility to New Heights with TAM

The airline industry is facing fresh new headwinds. Over the past years, the volume of passengers and cargo have spiked to new heights. Spurred by economic growth, globalization and an increasing consumer appetite to discover new horizons, more consumers and goods are taking to the skies. Consumer expectations, led by global digitization, are soaring. Travelers […]

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扶手電梯智能化 可望更安全

(文章於2017年5月29日在香港經濟日報刊登) 早前本港數宗運輸系統及商場內發生的扶手電梯事故,相信讀者都仍歷歷在目。翻查運輸處的資料,2016年底中環至半山扶手電梯系統每日使用人次高達 7.8萬,可見扶手電梯和行人輸送帶等,早已成為重要的運輸工具。今天當連巴士及小巴也有像流動程式及GPS等資訊科技「加持」,扶手電梯亦應到了升級時候。

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