
A New Direction for High Performance Computing

I first learned about IBM’s TrueNorth technology starting back in 2014, but it wasn’t until colleagues and I participated in a TrueNorth application development bootcamp last year that I understood its true potential. I am optimistic that this new neurosynaptic computing architecture, which is modeled on the way the brain works, could play an important […]

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Innovating Fast in the Cloud

When my co-founder, David Le Breton, and I started our solar energy business six years ago, we had plenty of engineering experience but little knowledge of software. (I was a marine engineer and he was a manufacturing engineer.) Our idea was to combine solar energy collection and solar charging in single physical structures. We contracted […]

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Driving Value Through IoT Data Monetization

Every morning I start the day by reading the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and other new outlets. It helps me wake up and learn about day-to-day happenings. Over the last few months, I’ve observed that there is always an article about the Internet of Things (IoT). More specifically, these articles have been focused on monetizing […]

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How Businesses and Governments Can Capitalize on Blockchain

The emergent technology blockchain has been roiling the technology and financial services industries for months, and, now, people in other industries and government agencies are asking questions about it. I’m convinced that it has the potential to transform not only the way commerce is done but the interplay between governments, businesses and citizens. That’s why […]

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How Cognitive Computing Can Get Businesses Up & Running After Disasters

Devastation caused by natural disasters is both personal and economic. Anyone who lives in the Northeastern United States won’t easily forget the destruction caused by back-to-back hurricanes five years ago. Hurricane Sandy in 2012 caused more than $67 billion in damage, according to the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, while the year-earlier Hurricane Irene […]

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Global Marathon: Empowering Women and Girls in STEM

It may not always feel like it, but there has never been a better time for women to pursue STEM careers, and for girls to set STEM careers in their lifetime goals. For girls, I use the term “set” instead of “include” because so many girls who are building their skills in math and science […]

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A Data Revolution for Healthcare is Here

For many people today, health is something you think about when you go in for check-ups or treatments. Your doctor has your clinical history and runs tests, but her understanding of your health is basically limited to what happens and what you discuss while you are there. And somewhere you know that researchers are making […]

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Night Terror: Let’s Put the Spotlight on Sleep Health

It’s often said that sleep apnea is a silent killer, and, for my family, the side effects have been devastating. My father had triple-bypass surgery at age 38, later got vascular dementia, and died at age 62. His father died of heart disease in his 60s. My other grandfather died of a heart attack at […]

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A Critical Role for Hardware in the Era of Cognitive Business

In the last few months, I’ve witnessed the beginning of a sea change in the way people at the forefront of computer science think about the future of our field. Faculty members at universities are showing a keen interest in cognitive systems. And I’m not talking just about algorithms and software. They want to discuss […]

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How Predictive Analytics Helps Santos in Australia’s Outback

Santos is one of the largest natural gas and oil producers in the Asia-Pacific. It’s East Australian Business Unit operates more than 1000 wells and associated infrastructure scattered over thousands of square miles in Australia’s Cooper Basin, in Southern Australia. Faced with summer temperatures that can exceed 45 degrees Celsius, seasonal flooding events and long […]

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Embedding Intelligence in the Internet of Things

Three years ago when my wife and I were visiting Paris, we happened upon the finish of the Tour de France bicycle race. We were swept up in a huge crowd, and we were thrilled to watch bunches of riders zip around the Champs-Elysees at blazing speed. Amazing! The only problem was, we had no […]

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Mobility in the Cognitive Era

More than 90 thousand people will convene at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week to learn about the latest in mobile tech. Besides checking out the hottest new devices, including IoT and wearables, I expect attendees will be talking a lot about how mobility is creating new models for the enterprise, as well as […]

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