Mobile Computing

Intelligent Tech Turns the Tide on Trafficking

Human trafficking and modern slavery are on the rise around the world. In its latest report, The International Labour Organisation found there are approximately 40.3 million victims of modern slavery. In the UK alone, authorities have seen the number of incidents reported rise by 36 percent in a year, with the Home Office estimating a […]

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Unpacking 5G Broadband: the Promise and the Reality

Emerging technologies typically attract a lot of hype about how they will change everything. Sometimes the hype gets ahead of a technology’s real potential. In the case of 5G broadband, however, it’s arguable that the transformational benefits of this next-generation broadband wireless technology are actually under-lauded. This may be due, in large part, to its […]

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Automakers & the Complete Consumer Experience

In-car connectivity drives consumer choice. With the connected-car market expected by grow by 270 percent between now and 2022, consumer expectations are changing: Around half of consumers now expect to be able to access their smartphone apps through their vehicle’s digital interface. Combined with the evolution of autonomous vehicle technology, automakers face a major change: […]

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These Days You’re Far From Alone When in the Field

If you’re a company that provides physical products or services, then you probably have engineers out in the field inspecting, servicing and maintaining those products. The role of so-called field engineers are by definition highly mobile, and apps are making a huge difference to these workers. Early apps consolidated workflow, logistics and job-related information. This […]

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How Augmented Reality is Moving from Gaming to the Office

Enterprises have long shown interest in mobile app use cases that combine Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality, but with very few tangible or practical implementations. Until now. Simultaneous recent changes to mobile device hardware, cloud technology and cognitive API’s mean that these types of cases can be realized at a fraction of the cost and […]

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A New Era of the Smart Enterprise

In 2014, Apple and IBM formed a partnership to empower the enterprise and change the way professionals work. Since then, we’ve helped numerous clients across industries, including Amica Insurance, City Furniture, and Japan Airlines, fuel their digital transformations with mobile. Today, we’re seeing an increasing number of companies interested in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine […]

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Propelling the Mobile Enterprise in 2018

When it comes to the digital workplace, we view it in terms of stages, or generations. The first was device-centric and included a one-size-fits-all model, in which every employee received essentially the same type of device, the same applications, and the impersonalized levels of support service. The second generation focused on limited device choices and […]

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How One Sales Manager Helped Reinvent the Customer Experience

When I stepped out of the City Furniture showroom in Tamarac, Florida, and headed to Cupertino, California, for a mobile app design session with IBM and Apple, I really didn’t know what to expect. My initial thought was that they needed someone to listen in and answer questions while the designers, developers and IT team […]

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Catering to the Always-Connected Airline Traveler

The way people buy airline tickets has changed dramatically over the past 5 years. Due to rapidly evolving competitive landscape of digital economy, the airline product has been unbundled such that travellers are offered everything from basic seat selection to upgraded seats as extras over and beyond the basic fare. From the moment a passenger […]

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How IBM and SAP Are Driving Mobility Into the New Economy

Leading enterprises across all industries now recognize digital transformation as imperative to drive efficiency, enhance the customer experience, and ultimately gain a competitive advantage. For many, the path to transformation begins with mobile – a platform that promises a quick return on investment by enabling convenience and adaptability. A recent IBM survey of global C-suite […]

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Business Mobility Gets a Cognitive Upgrade with IBM Watson

Ten years ago, the iPhone and iPad did not even exist but today, it’s hard to remember life before mobile devices. When I forget my iPhone  at home, I feel anxious or like I’m constantly missing something. Let’s face it: no one feels the same way about leaving a pen behind. Mobile devices are transforming […]

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Social, Mobile, & Cloud, Just the Latest In History of Sports Innovation

Technology unlocks the history of sport. It is also the key to understanding sport’s future. Modern sport has been driven by three overlapping aspects of innovation: participation technology, spectatorship technology and media technology. Today’s digital era unites all three. In Victorian England, “participation technology” allowed sport to move beyond pockets of parochial play and settle […]

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