Cognitive Computing

Pairing Cognitive Technologies with Sensors for Better Fitness and Health

How do we replace bad habits with good ones? In my view, it doesn’t help much for family members or physicians or politicians to try to bully or shame or regulate us into eating better or exercising more. As a doctor, I believe most people respond best to a smart, timely, and personalized “nudge” in […]

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How to Combat the Diabetes Pandemic

Four years ago, I met a woman in Berlin who convinced me that the healthcare community had to change the way it was addressing diabetes. The woman and her two beautiful children, ages 2 and 5, both with diabetes, attended an awareness event Medtronic hosted at the German Parliament. She told me that there’s no […]

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Cognitive IoT: Making the Internet of Things Deliver for All of Us

The early visionaries of the Internet of Things, IBM’s thought leaders among them, foresaw a time when practically any physical object could be equipped with sensors and hooked up to the Internet to translate the physical world into digital information. They were focusing on factory assembly lines, electrical grids, automobiles, highways, buildings, and the like. […]

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Accelerating the Nutrition Revolution with Cognitive Computing

When I was a teenager, I suffered from a bunch of pesky health problems, including migraines and sinusitis. By age 16, I’d had enough. Determined to feel better, I read dozens of nutrition books and tried a wide variety of diets. I found lots of conflicting theories and advice. Ultimately, after three years of experimentation […]

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Emerging Technologies Play A Key Role in Combating Global Environmental Challenges

As the COP21 summit in Paris draws to a close this week, there’s reason for optimism that leaders from more than 150 countries will reach agreements aimed at heading off the more extreme effects of climate change. Many countries have pledged to address the problem and set concrete goals for doing so, adding to a […]

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The Future of Knowledge Work: Turbocharging Expertise

The first serious computer program I wrote in high school was a basic “expert system” to help my dad, a judge in India, handle auto accident compensation cases. Back then, we imagined a world where expertise of all sorts could be captured in computer system, but, as you can imagine, I ran into all the […]

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Cognitive Assistance for the Blind: A TED Talk

Chieko Asakawa has dedicated her career as a computer scientist to helping blind people like herself live life to the fullest. In the 1980s, she developed a widely used word processor for Braille and a digital library for Braille documents. In the 1990s, she created a voice browser that enables blind people to access the […]

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Introducing a Universal Translator for Big Data and Machine Learning

Anybody who travels to a foreign country or reads a book or newspaper written in a language they don’t speak understands the value of a good translation. Yet, in the realm of Big Data, application developers face huge challenges when combining information from different sources and when deploying data-heavy applications to different types of computers. […]

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Live Blogging from the Cognitive Colloquium

05:00 PM Guruduth Banavar, Vice President of Cognitive Computing, IBM Research Wrapping up, there are three things I want to highlight…. First, concerning neuroscience: The analogy we draw from neuroscience and the human brain, the inspiration we get from the brain, has driven a lot of thinking. This is an area the I want to […]

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Enhanced Collaboration in the Cognitive Era

Today, 70 years after the first electronic computers were invented, most interactions between people and machines are conducted the old fashioned way: humans tap on tiny smartphone screens or type on computer keyboards. Human-to-computer interactions are not typically intuitive, pro-active or exciting. All of that’s must change as we move into the era of cognitive […]

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How Cognitive Computing Can Help You Shop Smarter

If you have kids, you probably know about the simulation game, Minecraft. It‘s a multiplatform game that enables players to build fantasy worlds out of textured cubes in a 3D space. This game has been a favorite of kids and teens since its debut in November 2011. Yet unless you’re a Minecraft maven you might […]

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Cognitive Commerce: A New Way to Serve Consumers

Consumers want instant gratification. Just look at the popularity of online boarding and check-in passes. We’re living in a customer-centered world. To succeed, a company needs to commit to one thing: delivering exceptional experiences for customers — those times where the perfect deal falls into the customer’s lap at the exact right moment. Cognitive computing […]

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