Cognitive Computing

IBM’s Watson: Helping Sports Teams Make Talent Decisions

It is June and the the NBA’s draft looms large. The management and coaching staff of the Toronto Raptors gathers to consider potential draft picks and possible trade scenarios. Their strategy is to select players who will form a cohesive unit. No prima donnas. In the past, the staff would have gathered in a room […]

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How Analytics is Helping Utilities Weather Storms

While an aging infrastructure and growing populations makes the electrical grid susceptible to failure, the majority (70 percent) of power outages are caused by the strains of wind, rain, sleet, snow and ice. The negative impact of storm-related outages to the U.S. economy is estimated between $20 billion and $55 billion annually. In a world […]

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Making Data Easy for Businesses with Cloud Data Services

Big Data has been called the most hyped tech trend in the world today. It promises to enable people of all stripes to tap into the world’s ocean of structured and unstructured data and to draw insights that help them make better decisions. Too bad it’s not delivering fully on that promise. Or it wasn’t, […]

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IBM and The Weather Company: An IoT Platform for Enterprises

When IBM announced last October that we were going to buy The Weather Company’s product and technology businesses, reactions were all over the map—from “IBM’s buying a TV station,” (not true), to “IBM is buying into cloud computing,” (not necessary; already there in a big way), to “Watson is going to predict weather,” (sort of). […]

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A Revolution in Streaming Video

When colleagues and I started Clearleap in 2008, most people were getting their TV shows and movies the old-fashioned way, and cloud computing wasn’t much more than a blip on mainstream businesses’ radar. At the time, YouTube had taken off, but the major media companies had not yet awoken to the reality of streaming their […]

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How Watson & Bluemix Helped Bring Our Ad Targeting Idea to Life

How crazy is it that a simple thought or thread of a conversation can develop enough momentum to change your life? We are a group of four friends and by profession, we are software developers. We have been working in the services industry for the past five years and programming has been our passion. A couple […]

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The Next Grand Challenge: Computers That Converse Like People

Computer scientists have long dreamed of creating machines that can carry on free-wheeling conversations with people. So far, in spite of tremendous efforts in the field of speech recognition, natural language processing and other facets of artificial intelligence, even the most loquacious computers and smartphones are not yet great conversationalists. But that may change in […]

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Inside IBM: The Inventors Who Are Creating the Era of Cognitive Computing

How many times have you been raving about a great movie and, suddenly, you draw a blank on the star actor’s name? Don’t worry, it happens to everybody. Well, in the not-too-distant future, when you get hung up, you may get a timely assist from a computer—one smart enough to complete your sentences for you. […]

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IBM’s Cognitive Computing Innovation Surges

IBM’s work in cognitive computing emerged as a major factor among the patents awarded to the company by the US. Patent and Trademark Office. More than 800 of IBM’s 7,355 2015 patents are related to cognitive computing, a 52% increase from the previous year. Last year, IBM announced that it has realigned its entire business […]

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3 Ways to Embrace the Internet of Things in Your Business

As the Internet of Things (IoT) surrounds us – and the cost of embedding intelligence and connectivity gets cheaper – companies are now focusing on how to successfully compete in the IoT. The IoT is moving beyond selling connected, intelligent products. In fact, it is more than selling services. It is now expanding to deliver […]

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Revving Up the Driving Experience with Cognitive Computing

Within 10 years, a majority of the cars produced in the world will be connected to the Internet and many of them will be capable of driving themselves—ushering in a revolution in how we drive, maintain and insure our cars. The auto industry showed glimpses of the future at last week’s Consumer Electronics Show and […]

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Unlocking the True Value of Data for Government

Technology is increasingly becoming more personal, and we’re benefiting in a variety of ways. We have devices at our fingertips to help manage and customize every stage of our days. Many of us are also using devices to track and analyze our steps, our health and our food intake. Now, imagine if we can apply […]

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