Cloud Computing

Accelerating the Nutrition Revolution with Cognitive Computing

When I was a teenager, I suffered from a bunch of pesky health problems, including migraines and sinusitis. By age 16, I’d had enough. Determined to feel better, I read dozens of nutrition books and tried a wide variety of diets. I found lots of conflicting theories and advice. Ultimately, after three years of experimentation […]

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Emerging Technologies Play A Key Role in Combating Global Environmental Challenges

As the COP21 summit in Paris draws to a close this week, there’s reason for optimism that leaders from more than 150 countries will reach agreements aimed at heading off the more extreme effects of climate change. Many countries have pledged to address the problem and set concrete goals for doing so, adding to a […]

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The Future of Knowledge Work: Turbocharging Expertise

The first serious computer program I wrote in high school was a basic “expert system” to help my dad, a judge in India, handle auto accident compensation cases. Back then, we imagined a world where expertise of all sorts could be captured in computer system, but, as you can imagine, I ran into all the […]

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A Turning Point for Quantum Computing

Last week, IBM Fellow Charles Bennett stood on stage and organized a group photo of more than 150 IBMers and leading scientists from around the world who had gathered at the T.J. Watson Research Laboratory near New York City for a conference on quantum computing. For those in the know, it was a delicious moment. […]

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How Cloud Computing Can Boost Morocco’s Tech Economy

The Kingdom of Morocco is best known by outsiders as the setting for the classic movie, Casablanca, and for exotic tourist destinations, such as Marrakech. Quietly, though, it’s gaining strength as one of the innovation engines for North Africa. Last year, Morocco hosted the annual Global Entrepreneur Summit—a first for Africa. It’s building the world’s […]

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Live Blogging from the Cognitive Colloquium

05:00 PM Guruduth Banavar, Vice President of Cognitive Computing, IBM Research Wrapping up, there are three things I want to highlight…. First, concerning neuroscience: The analogy we draw from neuroscience and the human brain, the inspiration we get from the brain, has driven a lot of thinking. This is an area the I want to […]

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Enhanced Collaboration in the Cognitive Era

Today, 70 years after the first electronic computers were invented, most interactions between people and machines are conducted the old fashioned way: humans tap on tiny smartphone screens or type on computer keyboards. Human-to-computer interactions are not typically intuitive, pro-active or exciting. All of that’s must change as we move into the era of cognitive […]

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How Cognitive Computing Can Help You Shop Smarter

If you have kids, you probably know about the simulation game, Minecraft. It‘s a multiplatform game that enables players to build fantasy worlds out of textured cubes in a 3D space. This game has been a favorite of kids and teens since its debut in November 2011. Yet unless you’re a Minecraft maven you might […]

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Come Back for Live Blogging from the Cognitive Colloquium

Return to the THINK blog Wednesday morning at 9:30 for day-long live blogging from the Cognitive Colloquium at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. You’ll hear from Shirley Ann Jackson, president of Rensselaer, John Kelly, senior vice president at IBM, and a large roster of top scientists with expertise in cognitive and immersive systems.

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Cognitive Technologies are Critical to Improving Healthcare

In the United States today, three-quarters of the people who suffer from rare diseases are children, according to the NIH. Making matters worse, it’s often difficult to detect and diagnose rare diseases for kids, since youngsters can’t describe symptoms the way adults can. This is why IBM is working with Boston Children’s Hospital on a project […]

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Retooling Businesses for the API Economy

If you doubt that a 200-year-old institution can reinvent itself using modern, disruptive technology, think again. Last year, a major American bank launched a series of hackathons to give software developers around the globe a shot at cash prizes for creating mobile apps accessing its core banking services via Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs. The […]

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Live Blogging from the Cognitive Colloquium

7:00 PM ET Embodied Cognition Session Chair: Dr. Guru Banavar, Vice President, Cognitive Computing Research, IBM Research Dr. Myron (Ron) Diftler, Robonaut Project Leader, NASA Johnson Space Center Dr. Gaurav Sukhatme, Co-Director, Robotics Research Lab, University of Southern California Paul Hermes, Entrepreneur in Residence, Medtronic Grady Booch, Chief Scientist for Software Engineering, IBM Research Some […]

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