
Why your Organization Needs Personalization at Scale

  As it becomes increasingly straightforward and common for customers to switch or utilize multiple solution providers for their financial needs, a disjointed customer experience has an immediate impact on the results of organizations in the Financial Services Industry. To delight and retain their customers, organizations need to ensure that end-to-end experiences are carefully designed, […]

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Open overheid dankzij blockchain

Burgers worden graag op hun wenken bediend. Moeten ze te lang wachten of krijgen ze niet meteen een resultaat? Dan zoeken ze het ergens anders. Die instantservice verwachten ze ook van overheidsdiensten. Gevolg? De focus van overheden komt almaar meer op het gemak van de burgers te liggen. Alleen zo winnen ze hun vertrouwen en […]

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Cyber Resilience in Belgium Action is needed

Rapid technological innovation is impacting the risk exposure of Belgian organizations. Creating security awareness is key, as well as getting the whole organization involved in cyber resilience. And how does legislation help? Experts from Agoria, LSEC, and IBM shared their insights during the IBM Security Summit Belgium 2019. Depending on the size and sector, many […]

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A whole new approach to security

How to take risks without fear and thrive in the face of cyber uncertainty? It’s not just a question of another security tool. What we need is a new, resilient mindset and a more unified approach. Valuable lessons were learned at the IBM Security Summit Belgium 2019. Technology is changing our lives. We buy houses […]

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ISSE 2018 – Where world renowned experts in Security and Identity put their thinking to the test

This year, the 20th annual ISSE is being hosted by IBM in Brussels, and on 6th and 7th November 2018 international experts in technology, policy and commerce will convene to share knowledge and expertise, build meaningful relationships and forge strategic alliances and joint ventures. And you are invited to join them. ISSE is in many […]

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One User Name to Rule the Cloud: Identity Management for your One Stop SaaS Shop

Disruption and digitalization are radically transforming whole sectors, at such a fast pace – blink and you’ll miss the next innovation. Our way of working, too, has been transforming – one example is Software-as-a-Service. Although the concept has been around for quite some time now, mass migration to the cloud these last few years has […]

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Redefining Business – and Security. Come see us at the Watson Brussels Summit on May 30

Cognitive technology is transforming sectors, companies and professions – and it’s happening right now! On May 30, at the Watson Brussels Summit, we’ll be taking a very close look at what this means for security. As a CISO you need to help facilitate innovation, right? You cannot watch and wait, while your competitors press ahead […]

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On the password paradox and authentication innovation

Chances are that the device on which you’re reading this blog was accessed through one form of authentication or the other. One of the most wide-spread of those methods are passwords. They’ve become such an integral part of our lives that we often don’t think about them anymore. However, danger lurks right around the corner […]

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Corporate data on mobile devices ‒ how do you stay in control?

Snack supplier Van Geloven also produces mobile bites Mobile devices – even companies can’t do without them anymore. But does all the corporate data on these data carriers have watertight security? Dutch snack producer Van Geloven has solved this with IBM MaaS360 Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM). And Van Geloven has shown that EMM doesn’t have […]

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