cognitive computing

Artificiële Intelligentie: Nieuwe mogelijkheden voor de overheid

(reading time 5 minutes) (Lisez cet article en Français) Ontdek de visie van Sreeram Visvanathan, IBM Global Managing Director, Government. Elk bedrijf heeft klanten waar ze veel om geven. Of u nu een retailer bent die Italiaanse meubels verkoopt, een elektronicabedrijf dat de modernste apparatuur maakt, of een olie- en gasbedrijf bent of een bank, […]

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Intelligence artificielle : de nouvelles possibilités pour le gouvernement

(reading time 5 minutes) (Lees dit artikel in het Nederlands) Découvrez l’avis de Sreeram Visvanathan, IBM Global Managing Director, Government. Toute entreprise est particulièrement soucieuse de ses clients. Que vous soyez un détaillant vendant des meubles italiens, une entreprise d’électronique chinoise fabriquant des ordinateurs dernier cri ou encore une entreprise pétrolière travaillant sur des gisements […]

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Without AI you’re nowhere as a company

AI: not something distant and far-removed, but here and now. Both large and small companies in the Benelux are already using AI, together with robotics, IoT or blockchain. This way they offer added value to their customers. Cognitive to the core: what does the digital transformation provide? Come to Think Brussels, October 4/5 A large […]

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Cognitive manufacturing and Industry 4.0

Talk to any manufacturing executive and odds are they have heard of Industry 4.0. Originally coined in Germany through a technology project to computerize manufacturing, Industry 4.0 has now launched into a worldwide initiative to transform this sector. Japan and China have even coined their own ‘Industrial Value Chain Initiative’ and ‘Made in China 2025’ […]

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Marketer and machine: making cognitive work

Yes, cognitive computing is disruptive, in marketing as well as in other areas of business. To be successful, we need a different approach. Yet cognitive is not just about technology, it’s about people. Marketer AND machine: that’s the winning combination. There’s no sense denying it. Cognitive computers are able to process enormous amounts of data […]

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One User Name to Rule the Cloud: Identity Management for your One Stop SaaS Shop

Disruption and digitalization are radically transforming whole sectors, at such a fast pace – blink and you’ll miss the next innovation. Our way of working, too, has been transforming – one example is Software-as-a-Service. Although the concept has been around for quite some time now, mass migration to the cloud these last few years has […]

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On the password paradox and authentication innovation

Chances are that the device on which you’re reading this blog was accessed through one form of authentication or the other. One of the most wide-spread of those methods are passwords. They’ve become such an integral part of our lives that we often don’t think about them anymore. However, danger lurks right around the corner […]

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Waarom taxichauffeurs zich uber-matig aan de verkeerde ergeren. Taxisector vecht een achterhoedegevecht.

  Drie weken geleden legde stakende taxichauffeurs Brussel lam.  Hun protestaktie was gericht tegen het taxiplan van Minister pascal Smet die in het Brusselse taxilandschap ook ruimte wil geven aan nieuwe initiatieven, zoals de sociale taxidienst Uber.  Vorig weekend raakte bekend Brusselse taxichauffeurs “collega”s van de  nieuwe taxidienst  onder valse voorwendsels naar een plek lokten […]

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IBM’s 5 in 5: In the Future, Computers Will Learn

Imagine this: Your computer, the one you carry around in your pocket or purse, knows everything about you. With your permission, it knows about your relationships with the people, places and things in your world. It talks and listens to you. And, as your computer interacts with you and with the vast store of data […]

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