artificial intelligence

Artificiële Intelligentie: Nieuwe mogelijkheden voor de overheid

(reading time 5 minutes) (Lisez cet article en Français) Ontdek de visie van Sreeram Visvanathan, IBM Global Managing Director, Government. Elk bedrijf heeft klanten waar ze veel om geven. Of u nu een retailer bent die Italiaanse meubels verkoopt, een elektronicabedrijf dat de modernste apparatuur maakt, of een olie- en gasbedrijf bent of een bank, […]

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Intelligence artificielle : de nouvelles possibilités pour le gouvernement

(reading time 5 minutes) (Lees dit artikel in het Nederlands) Découvrez l’avis de Sreeram Visvanathan, IBM Global Managing Director, Government. Toute entreprise est particulièrement soucieuse de ses clients. Que vous soyez un détaillant vendant des meubles italiens, une entreprise d’électronique chinoise fabriquant des ordinateurs dernier cri ou encore une entreprise pétrolière travaillant sur des gisements […]

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To move ahead with the adoption of AI, trust is crucial

This morning in Brussels, the AI4Belgium coalition presents its recommendations for an overarching Belgian Artificial Intelligence Strategy. IBM is proud to have been a driving force in developing recommendations in 5 specific areas, together with a multi-disciplinary group of experts from the technology industry, trade organizations, universities and research institutes, governmental organizations and many more. […]

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Will AI and Machine Learning really make the difference in marketing?

You can’t discuss marketing today without the conversation turning to artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML). Once touted as the silver bullet for data collection, analysis and customer service, smart marketers are already using the underlying technique to enhance human intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to tempt marketing professionals. As marketers, we are driven […]

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How technology supports the best people flow experience at KONE

Manufacturers increasingly add digital components to their traditional products. This is usually on the basis of sensors within the hardware, which generate data about for example the functioning, use and condition of maintenance. KONE, manufacturer of lifts and escalators goes even further. They combine this data flow with artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Not only in […]

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Ultra short time to market with AI? It is possible!

Time to market is a distinctive success factor in the digital age. This certainly applies to the development of new or improved products and services, and creating an optimal relationship with the customer. An intelligent handling of data can help. This does not have to take weeks or months anymore. The role of data scientists […]

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