What do you really need to do to get your AI/ML models into production?

  Companies and institutions that take the step towards applying artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) often overlook the technical integration and internal alignment that the use of these capabilities require, which means that activities around AI/ML are not taken into production. With the right insights and techniques, this promising technology can be put […]

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Government organizations can now invest in IT in phases

Government organizations look for long-term financial certainty, including when it comes to IT investments. Such certainty can only be attained by incurring extra initial costs, for example by purchasing software licenses for the entire length of the project, plus a generous estimate of the indexation costs. With IBM Global Financing, this is no longer necessary. […]

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IBM is working on digital escape game for youngsters

IBM brings the technology of the future closer to youngsters. That is why we regularly help with initiatives of non-profit- and educational organisations which encourage an interest in technology. Last year we joined forces with the Flemish science and technology center Technopolis, Child Focus and LUCA School of Arts. The result: Friend Zone, a digital […]

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IBM werkt mee aan digitale escape game voor jongeren

IBM brengt de technologie van de toekomst dichter bij jongeren. Daarom werken we regelmatig mee aan initiatieven van non-profit- en educatieve organisaties die de interesse in technologie prikkelen. Zo sloegen we vorig jaar de handen in elkaar met het Vlaamse doe-centrum voor wetenschap en technologie Technopolis, Child Focus en LUCA School of Arts. Het resultaat: […]

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Comprendre les investissements permet de prendre de meilleures décisions

Cela fait déjà plus de 60 ans que Plant Location International (PLI) d’IBM conseille les organisations sur les meilleurs sites d’implantation. PLI est donc le centre de compétence pour les entreprises de tous secteurs qui veulent s’établir, s’étendre ou se consolider et optimaliser. PLI suit la tendance dans ces décisions et les rassemble dans le […]

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Inzicht in investering leidt tot betere beslissingen

Al meer dan 60 jaar adviseert Plant Location International (PLI) van IBM organisaties over de optimale vestigingslocaties. Zo is PLI het centre of competence voor bedrijven uit alle sectoren die zich willen vestigen, uitbreiden of consolideren en optimiseren. PLI volgt de trends in die beslissingen en brengt die samen in het jaarlijkse rapport Global Location […]

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Five questions about AI to Mike Haydock: ‘Never seen technology that was so human’

How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) help (retail) organisations, why do they have to start working with it now and what can we expect of this technology in the coming years? Mike Haydock, IBM Fellow and Chief Scientist, gives his vision on AI & machine learning based on a handful of questions. AI and Machine Learning […]

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Never sell a ‘no’ thanks to SAP S/4HANA

Halfway through this decade SAP will stop supporting SAP ECC. Before this happens, retailers are able to migrate to the new SAP S/4HANA ERP system at their own pace. Apart from the expiration of support there are more reasons to switch on time. For instance, S/4HANA also provides real-time insights into the inventories and can […]

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IA : pour des institutions de l’UE plus productives, plus efficaces et plus accessibles

L’Union européenne encourage les scientifiques à prendre le leadership dans le champ des technologies IT, mais aussi les États membres à mettre en place des stratégies digitales et l’industrie à utiliser ces technologies. Mais quand les institutions vont-elles elles aussi profiter de ces opportunités ? L’intelligence artificielle peut aider l’Union à devenir plus productive, plus […]

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