Increasing resiliency as HR

  While ‘being more digital’ has been top of every company’s agenda over the last decade, automation too — in some form or another — has been quietly liberating employees of repetitive task work. Over time this has shifted beyond merely creating efficiencies and cutting costs, and is now being used to enhance employee productivity, […]

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Modernisation of VMware workloads in the cloud

  Every organisation strives for a flexible IT-landscape that is able to keep up with new technological, economic and business developments. Ideally, applications run in the most suitable environments – preferably in the cloud. This requires a well-thought-out modernisation of legacy applications. IBM Cloud for VMware makes a step-by-step approach possible.   For many organisations […]

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Roadmap for application modernisation

  Modernisation of existing applications is essential for most organisations. Only with an up-to-date system landscape are companies able to improve their user experience, operate more efficiently and respond more effectively to changing market requirements. The cloud plays a crucial role here. In this blog we discuss the most important challenges and provide practical suggestions […]

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Integration and modernization require good parenting

  Digital transformation requires a modernized approach to integration to be successful. This means combining an ever-growing set of applications, processes and information sources across multiple clouds and keep data consistent. An effective use of business drivers is vital to this process. But what is a digital transformation and why is it so important for […]

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Towards Intelligent Business Automation with Business Rules and Machine Learning

  Many businesses think they took the big step towards business automation a long time ago. Technically, that is true, a long time ago. The next step in business automation is actual automation of the business and that’s were IBM Digital Business Automation comes in using techniques like artificial intelligence and machine learning. The IBM […]

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Open source development – but without the disadvantages

Technologies change quickly, strategies don’t. But if you don’t keep up tactically, you will fall behind on your competitors. The future of your company is relying on product development like never before, and IT development must keep pace. That’s the harsh reality of today. Open source technologies give developers an unprecedented access to easily accessible […]

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Enabling reliable cloud adoption wherever you are

  Cloud services have become the cornerstone of the digital era. But how do you stay connected in remote areas with unreliable or non-existent networks? In order to tackle this challenge, IBM Cloud has partnered with the world’s leading satellite operator: SES Networks. Through the satellite-based IBM Cloud Direct Link, we are now able to […]

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Veilige gegevensopslag en digitaal vertrouwen: een stimulans voor bredere transformatie

  Vertrouwen moet je verdienen. Dat geldt vooral in de digitale wereld en voor de overheid en publieke instanties. Overheidsorganisaties werken met enorm veel gevoelige persoonsgegevens die de burger hun toevertrouwde. Dat vertrouwen is nodig voor succesvolle hervormingen en initiatieven in het publieke domein. En het is essentieel voor een efficiënte uitvoering van beleidsmaatregelen en […]

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La sécurité des données et confiance digitale : une force motrice pour un changement technologique plus profond

La confiance est quelque chose qui se mérite. En particulier dans le monde digital. Et c’est d’autant plus vrai pour les autorités publiques et les organisations du secteur public. Ces organisations traitent d’énormes volumes de données personnelles sensibles, données qui leur sont confiées par les citoyens. Cette confiance est une condition préalable à la réussite […]

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