Unexpected consequences of the weather on your shelves

It’s impossible to change the colour of the sky. However, thanks to weather analytics, companies can now curb the effects of climatic events. Here’s how. Climatic conditions naturally affect demand for products and services. They can also entail costly consequences, such as shortages or excesses of stock. Here too, digitisation, analytics and Big Data is […]

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The mobile app deserves a 3rd life

It’s almost a standard reflex: once something is no longer new, it is declared dead. Sometimes this is valid, but sometimes such a verdict is underserved. In many cases, the truth lies somewhere in between. Still, there was a core of truth in the blog that Cory Crosland posted last September on LinkedIn. The CEO […]

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The power of Bluemix in practice

IBM Bluemix is widely known in other countries as a platform for rapid innovation; in the Netherlands, Bluemix does not yet enjoy such a big reputation. Perhaps this has to do with our reticence when it comes to large-scale advertisements and chest-thumping. For example, London’s Heathrow airport is decorated with enormous banners touting the advantages […]

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SLTN and IBM demonstrate the ‘innovation garage’

IT service provider SLTN has selected IBM Bluemix to make it quicker and easier for you – as a developer, the person responsible for IT or an innovation manager – to develop and innovate. The company will set up a so-called ‘Bluemix Garage’, in which topics such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Agile DevOps and […]

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On the password paradox and authentication innovation

Chances are that the device on which you’re reading this blog was accessed through one form of authentication or the other. One of the most wide-spread of those methods are passwords. They’ve become such an integral part of our lives that we often don’t think about them anymore. However, danger lurks right around the corner […]

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Corporate data on mobile devices ‒ how do you stay in control?

Snack supplier Van Geloven also produces mobile bites Mobile devices – even companies can’t do without them anymore. But does all the corporate data on these data carriers have watertight security? Dutch snack producer Van Geloven has solved this with IBM MaaS360 Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM). And Van Geloven has shown that EMM doesn’t have […]

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Welcome to the Era of “New Collar” Jobs

For a cognitive and cloud platform company like IBM, the STEM Discovery Week (24-30 April) is the perfect moment to reflect on the opportunities business-education collaboration offers to schools and companies to improve STEM teaching, learning and careers and on the evolving STEM skills as we enter the digital world. Three things are true in STEM: […]

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Wanted: Wild Ducks who are in for a Cognitive Challenge

The one thing that’s always in the back of every entrepreneur’s mind is how to serve his/her customers even better.  It is in our mind, it is in the mind of our Business Partners. Cognitive adds value to the customers.  The cognitive solutions market represents a tremendous growth opportunity for businesses delivering solutions with cognitive […]

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What to expect from the GDPR readiness assessment

Is a mild sense of panic taking hold of some of your colleagues? The implementation of the long-awaited General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR) is inching closer and closer, and discussions will invariably revolve around: “Where to start?”, “Where to go?”, “What will it cost?” If you attend any GDPR event, typically everyone, no matter […]

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