The real IBM Cloud

  Many of you have surely noticed that IBM has introduced a fundamental name change in its product portfolio. IBM Cloud, to which I am referring, includes more or less all the products and services we have used in recent years to profile ourselves as a transformative organization. These include Bluemix, SoftLayer IaaS, Watson cognitive […]

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A Cloud for DevOps

Developers involved in setting up a DevOps environment usually face a variety of challenges. An important phenomenon is that the development and testing environment must match the reality of the acceptance and production domain. In practice, this is not always the case. Applications that have been developed and tested with care ultimately do not seem […]

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The new dream team: BPM and blockchain

  Blockchain technology is the new hotshot player, wowing the crowds with new innovations. Business process management (BPM) is a powerful performer on the scene for a decade, consistently delivering. What happens when you combine them? With experience in both BPM and blockchain, we have compiled some advice for how these two technologies work best […]

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Increase the business value of APIs

  Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, define the data contract between two pieces of code. APIs used to be exclusively the domain of developers. In this post, I’ll show you how APIs provide the freedom for systems to evolve independently and create new opportunities for business growth. While APIs can exist at all levels of […]

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Tackling digital transformation in the multi-cloud world

  In today’s digital economy, enterprises face disruption by innovative business models and new players in the established industries. Their customers increasingly demand seamless and engaging experiences through a range of digital channels, including mobile apps, web, and IoT devices. Thanks to the immediacy of social media, many people have no patience for brands that […]

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Mainframe’s role in digital transformation

  GSE National Conference Digital transformation. Everybody talks about it, but in reality it’s a hard thing to do… IBM Z has major advantages for companies in the process of digital transformation. This is exactly what will be explained at the annual conference of the Dutch part of Guide Share Europe. The explanation is useful […]

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The storage solution of the century

  Data is in increasing becoming an issue for the CIO. This has everything to do with the changing nature – and quantity – of the data to be stored. More and more data is flowing in in from everywhere in every form. These days, data is the new gold for companies. On the one […]

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Ready or not: CMOs can’t ignore cognitive computing

The answer to marketers’ prayers or one of the most disruptive force their field faces. Either way, cognitive computing is changing the game in marketing ‒ and CMOs know it. They expect their organizations’ cognitive spend to increase within the next three years and have high expectations that it will pay off. There is just […]

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Open cloud environment gives discipline new meaning

  Not only does the cloud offer a significant stimulus to organizations and sectors; it also serves as an interesting impetus for the IT profession. Recently, I spoke at a large meeting about the OpenStack cloud operating system. What I witnessed there was that people who have traditionally worked with IT infrastructure are also helping […]

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