The key to a future-proof finance department? Non-financial data!

Big data has taken the world by storm. Both the amount and the variety of available data are booming. Needless to say that a wide range of organizations and departments are looking into how they can leverage that data. Finance departments are no different. However they must be well aware that they have to look […]

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Solid Identity and Access management is crucial in a world ruled by cloud and mobile

A more connected world has given rise to an open economy, powered by cloud and mobile technology. Looser, more temporary collaborations between companies are on the rise, as is ‘coopetition’ (cooperation / competition) – the notion that your ally in one business activity might be a competitor in another field. How do we protect company […]

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Blockchain: what, why and how?

  Everyone’s talking about Blockchain. Your peers are. Your employees are. Your competitors are. But are they making sense? What exactly is Blockchain, what can it do for your business – and, crucially, how do you start adopting it? Simply put, Blockchain is a trusted, distributed ledger that enables the sharing of business processes between […]

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Four steps towards a future-proof finance department

That the world of finance is going through some evolutions of epic proportions, is an understatement. The sector as such sees the disrupting rise of specialized FinTech companies and startups. Blockchain is the talk of town as a fundamental game changer. Data analysts and predictive analytics specialists are in high demand, but supply is limited, […]

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The future of finance: Using disruption to accelerate transformation

A recent IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) report “The CFO mission to uncover the unknown – Applying analytics and cognitive computing for efficiency and insights” indicates that 80 percent of finance teams expect to use analytics to drive performance, manage risk and compliance, and optimize processes within two years.   About half of the […]

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Multi-cloud offers endless possibilities

  Forget about the debate on the public versus the private cloud, that is an outdated discussion. Most organizations opt for the optimal middle way: a combination of proprietary systems and IT that runs in public environments. In addition, companies use a multitude of cloud services. Complicated and difficult to manage? Not with the right […]

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Marketer and machine: making cognitive work

Yes, cognitive computing is disruptive, in marketing as well as in other areas of business. To be successful, we need a different approach. Yet cognitive is not just about technology, it’s about people. Marketer AND machine: that’s the winning combination. There’s no sense denying it. Cognitive computers are able to process enormous amounts of data […]

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How cognitive gives CMOs a head-start

Marketing and sales leaders recognize cognitive as a path that leads to a new era for their businesses. Yet, despite this understanding, and a strong dose of optimism, many feel their organizations lack a number of the foundational capabilities needed to successfully implement a cognitive solution. According to a recent study by the IBM Institute […]

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Quantum computing breakthrough. What now?

  Expectations regarding quantum computing are running high. To speed up developments,  IBM is making universal quantum computers available for business, science and other interested parties. Next year the threshold of 50 qubits (quantum bits) will be reached. This level of processing power cannot be simulated on a traditional computer. That means that as of […]

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