One digital twin counts for the pair

Twins have no trouble understanding one another. A single glance, a gesture or a single word is generally sufficient. Pain, feelings and thoughts are immediately shared in real time. It is no accident that a twin is a single entity. We see the same in the world of technology, in which the physical and virtual […]

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Hack Belgium: my contribution to tech, talent and social benefit

The value of hackathons is not to be underestimated. The vibe is on the one hand comparable to my daily work as Senior Consultant and Project Manager at IBM, and at the same time so different. The atmosphere is relaxed and informal, but everything happens at a high pace with a strong focus on the […]

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Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will be powered by the Cloud

It is no longer science fiction – the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, is already upon us. A convergence of new technologies including robotics, AI, 3D printing and the IoT, all powered by the cloud and edge computing, is transforming the way we do business. Much the way the Internet, mobile and the PC […]

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International Diabetes Federation Europe and IBM partner in ‘augmented research’ for insights into patient care

For years, diabetes has grown at an alarming rate. According to the World Health Organization, there are now 60 million people with diabetes in Europe alone. In preparation for World Diabetes Day 2017, the European branch of the International Diabetes Foundation (IDF Europe)* decided to investigate how to improve diabetes care in Europe through their […]

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The ecosystem platform as business model

The power of data driven business architectures Over the past generations, technology has gained greater importance in driving the success of organizations. In this, business architectures have evolved to support the leverage information technology can bring to optimize operations. Automation brought efficiency in back office processes, as well as enabling to scale individual business initiatives […]

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Partnership creates intelligent cloud

The IT environment has increasingly evolved into a combination of diverse cloud services, complemented by on-premises systems. Software-driven intelligence and automation help to get the most out of such a hybrid landscape. This creates new opportunities for IT service providers. Take the Belgian NRB, for example, which offers customers a unique self-service cloud brokerage platform. […]

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Intelligent real estate

The transformation in the real estate sector extends much further than greater sustainability and ease of use. In future, the most important change will be that buildings will be used for multiple purposes and multiple users. It is a development that is driven by increasing scarcity, intelligent technology and putting the emphasis on the human […]

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Claim your place in the interconnected world

More and more the world is becoming more and more one big cloud of interconnections. Sensors, people, cars, devices and even complete infrastructures are being connected to one another at an ever-increasing rate. IoT in combination with artificial intelligence keeps a new world running: the Instrumented Planet. This the lesson of IBM’s Research Technology Vision, […]

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IBM Think 2018 – The Netherlands attract attention in Las Vegas

There was quite a sensation at the recent IBM Think 2018-Congress in Las Vegas. Dutch representatives of large Dutch organisations including the Port of Rotterdam and Schiphol Airport were presented there as stars. Not only with photos and quotes on the gigantic billboards on The Strip, the most important thoroughfare of America’s gambling capital, but […]

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