Modeling of alcoholic fermentation in champagne-production context

By Technord, IBM partner “This is champagne” One of the main challenges in the agro-food production is to handle the variability of the raw matters to deliver a final product meeting the quality specifications. The champagne production is a typical example: the quality of the main substrate, the grapes juice, depends on the yearly weather, […]

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Cyber Resilience in Belgium Action is needed

Rapid technological innovation is impacting the risk exposure of Belgian organizations. Creating security awareness is key, as well as getting the whole organization involved in cyber resilience. And how does legislation help? Experts from Agoria, LSEC, and IBM shared their insights during the IBM Security Summit Belgium 2019. Depending on the size and sector, many […]

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How do we create a safer supply chain that combats food waste?

This question becomes increasingly important in the fight for sustainability. Blockchain, a system that protects data against manipulation, is a first step toward more transparency. Our planet is becoming increasingly congested. In 5 years the number of people on earth will exceed 8 billion. And by 2050 the population is expected to be 9 billion. […]

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A whole new approach to security

How to take risks without fear and thrive in the face of cyber uncertainty? It’s not just a question of another security tool. What we need is a new, resilient mindset and a more unified approach. Valuable lessons were learned at the IBM Security Summit Belgium 2019. Technology is changing our lives. We buy houses […]

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Au-delà de la transformation numérique dans le secteur public

Il n’y a aucun doute possible : la transformation numérique a été à la base de la stratégie numérique de ces cinq dernières années. Les organes publics dans le monde entier ont tout mis en œuvre pour numériser leurs processus et offrir des plates-formes plus ouvertes pour un accès sûr aux données. Aujourd’hui, les mêmes organisations […]

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De volgende stap in de digitale transformatie van de publieke sector

Er bestaat geen twijfel over dat “digitale transformatie” aan de basis lag van de digitale strategie van de afgelopen vijf jaar. Overheidsinstellingen over de hele wereld zijn op zoek gegaan naar manieren om hun processen te digitaliseren en meer open platformen aan te bieden met een veilige toegang tot gegevens. Vandaag de dag kijken deze […]

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Connect every link with Supply Chain automation

Intelligent automation allows manufacturers and retailers to optimise their supply chains relatively easily and quickly, without relinquishing control. However, 69 percent of logistics organisations have not yet fully integrated their supply chains. What logistical challenges do retailers and manufacturers face and how do they solve them? From the supply of raw materials to the final […]

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Tim Pauwels over zijn weg naar Wimbledon 2019

Mijn weg naar Wimbledon werd werkelijkheid met mijn selectie om als lijnrechter te arbitreren op de 2019 kwalificaties. Dit kwam volledig onverwacht. Heel veel arbiters willen dit graag bijwonen. Dat ik, als Belg, gekozen werd om in dit schaakspel een pion te spelen was een fantastische ervaring. Het geeft je ook de kans om alles […]

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Heineken lays foundation for data-driven strategy with IBM

Central BI-platform in the cloud for cross-business insights Data is the new gold. Particularly for a multinational company such as Heineken that has to take into account both regional and international economic aspects and consumer preferences. To be able to take well-considered decisions in the future based on internal and external data, Heineken wants to […]

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