
Intelligence artificielle : de nouvelles possibilités pour le gouvernement

(reading time 5 minutes) (Lees dit artikel in het Nederlands) Découvrez l’avis de Sreeram Visvanathan, IBM Global Managing Director, Government. Toute entreprise est particulièrement soucieuse de ses clients. Que vous soyez un détaillant vendant des meubles italiens, une entreprise d’électronique chinoise fabriquant des ordinateurs dernier cri ou encore une entreprise pétrolière travaillant sur des gisements […]

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Les pouvoirs publics européens accueillent la transformation numérique

(Temps de lecture 5 minutes) (Lees dit artikel in het Nederlands) Toute entreprise doit faire face à des défis considérables, surtout sur le plan numérique. Les pouvoirs publics n’y échappent pas. Il faut dire que les citoyens attendent de la flexibilité et de l’efficacité de leur part. L’ONU suit attentivement cette numérisation par le biais […]

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Cognitive Enterprise: de volgende stap in de digitale evolutie

  Zeven kernfactoren voor het succes van uw digitale transformatie AI, blockchain, 5G en het IoT zijn de aanjagers van een volgende technologische evolutie. Een digitale transformatie waarbij organisaties hun architectuur niet alleen outside-in opbouwen, maar ook zorgen dat ze deze inside-out kunnen aansturen. Zodat ze met nieuwe technologieën heel gericht gebruik kunnen maken van […]

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How to let your cloud orchestra play in symphony

The use of clouds and cloud services has proliferated across most organizations. That requires an orchestrated multicloud management. Why? Because organizations that use and expand their cloud environment in a smart, strategic way can position themselves for greater competitive advantage and lower costs. Many employees rely upon a variety of cloud applications for their daily […]

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Make digital transformation sustainable with multicloud

Every application has different needs in terms of infrastructure, data capacity and bandwidth. This requires a cloud with diverse options, suiting the needs of every application, their users and developers. Multicloud offers just that – a cloud environment with different solutions from every possible provider. But how do you adopt multicloud-by-design? So you can give […]

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Wij kijken uit naar onze “Candle light dinner” op Alcatraz. Wat doet u op 14 Februari?

Wel, wij hebben een suggestie voor u. Vervoeg ons op een business trip naar San Francisco (CA). Elk jaar organiseert IBM zijn ‘Flagship Technologie Conferentie’. Dit jaar vindt Think 2019 plaats van 12 tot 15 Februari. Dit event geeft ons, FlowFactor, de mogelijkheid om elk jaar inspiratie op te doen. Je vindt hier op één […]

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L’Oréal and IBM: An Industry 4.0 makeover

Personalized cosmetics faster to the customer Industrial processes are full of data and information. When all these bits and bytes are adequately collected and processed, they are used to optimize the production process. For example, by automatically adjusting the process . Or for making the right decisions at the right time. This also applies to […]

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Will AI and Machine Learning really make the difference in marketing?

You can’t discuss marketing today without the conversation turning to artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML). Once touted as the silver bullet for data collection, analysis and customer service, smart marketers are already using the underlying technique to enhance human intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to tempt marketing professionals. As marketers, we are driven […]

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The smart future of manufacturing companies

Maximum productivity and minimal downtime, an optimal supply chain and the retention of operational know-how. That is what manufacturing companies and their leaders want. Moreover, it is precisely what so-called ‘cognitive manufacturing’ can provide. This was evident from a recent interactive webinar, where IBM specialists presented the smart future of the manufacturing industry. Victor Sánchez […]

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