The new relationship Citizen – Government* #IBMBEGOV (part seven): Fraud Detection

The use of technology in government’s relationship with its citizens can also enable governments to step up the fight against tax fraud. Fraud and error is a massive drain on public finances. It combines government’s money with funds that have been dishonestly or mistakenly removed from the public accounts. And because of its long history […]

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IBM Cognos TM1, the accelerator of Alliance Laundry Systems’ change

Challenge To install a manageable, accurate sales forecasting system that increases both efficiency and results and thereby enable Alliance to make better decisions aimed at meeting the company’s overall objectives. Solution IBM Cognos TM1 offers Alliance Laundry Systems a complete and secure database environment with the ability to capture complexity of multi-currency, produced vs. buy […]

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IBM Social Software and Analytics helps to prevent breast cancer

What do women really know about breast cancer, and – even more crucially – what do they not know? The Minerva project was designed to provide an answer to these questions, and to put detail around them. By Joost Hanraets Up to the end of December 2013, women were able to request and share information […]

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The new relationship Citizen – Government* #IBMbegov (part six): Smarter information sharing

Everyone and everything is producing huge amounts of data daily. These amounts of big data include crucial information that can change or save lives, ease work or lead to the next big invention. Think about the healthcare systems. Healthcare organizations are amassing vast amounts of data. Physicians have been on information overload for decades, contributing […]

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The new relationship Citizen – Government* #IBMbegov (part five): Citizens – Government – Technology relationship

Author:  Joan Van Loon, Enterprise Business Unit Leader Public, Life Sciences, Telco & Utilities | IBM Belux About the author: Joan has over 17 years of experience in business management and management consulting, with expertise in diverse areas like business operations and transformations, IT strategy & governance, quality management, knowledge management and people management. He is currently […]

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The new relationship Citizen – Government* #IBMbegov (part four): A tax-on-web example

Click here for the French version Click here for the Dutch version Marc Le Noir has over 20 years public sector industry experience with a particular focus on business transformation, IT strategy & governance and IT-outsourcing. Currently he is matching IBM’s business solutions to the needs of our public sector clients. In the previous posts of […]

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De nieuwe relatie Burger – Overheid* #IBMbegov (deel vier): Een voorbeeld: Tax-on-web

Marc Le Noir has over 20 years public sector industry experience with a particular focus on business transformation, IT strategy & governance and IT-outsourcing. Currently he is matching IBM’s business solutions to the needs of our public sector clients. In de vorige posts uit de reeks De nieuwe relatie Burger – Overheid zijn we ingegaan op […]

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La nouvelle relation Citoyen-Gouvernement* #IBMbegov (quatrième partie) : Tax-on-web à titre d’exemple

Marc Le Noir has over 20 years public sector industry experience with a particular focus on business transformation, IT strategy & governance and IT-outsourcing. Currently he is matching IBM’s business solutions to the needs of our public sector clients. Dans les billets précédents de la série sur La nouvelle relation Citoyen-Gouvernement, nous avons abordé la […]

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The new relationship Citizen – Government* #IBMbegov (part three): A mobile Government

Click here for the French version Click here for the Dutch version Kevin Brown is an executive in IBM´s Public Sector organization. He specializes in applying leading-edge information technology capabilities to support operational requirements particularly in enterprise integration/extension by utilizing Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and mobile application technologies. Prior to IBM, Mr. Brown managed multiple […]

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