Think Blog Editor

Help, the business wants APIs!

The glowing promises regarding APIs are not going unnoticed by people in the business. Every product owner who takes his or her activities seriously is interested in applications and data sources that are created so as to be accessible for broader use. But when the ultimate application is found, the question quickly arises: how do […]

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The innovator’s guide to the digital galaxy

Far out in the uncharted backwaters of different industries sit what once were innocuous organizations — companies that stayed in their own spheres of influence and didn’t disrupt the flow of business as usual. But now, they are capitalizing on existing and emerging technologies to expand their reach, open up new business models, and make […]

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Cognitive technology increases employee expertise

Cognitive technologies are completely revolutionizing the business these days. They are ‘disruptive enablers’ that provide organizations deeper client involvement, increase employees’ expertise and enable employees to discover new opportunities. Cognitive technology truly makes organizations more intelligent thanks to simple APIs. Cognitive technology produces a higher level of intelligence in general within a digital organization. Organizations […]

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Bieber and Bach: good colleagues in IT

The term disruption arises frequently in all industries, companies, books and technological segments. Rapid technological change challenges the established order and changes our method of thinking and working. Open source platforms such as Bluemix give small players with disruptive ideas the tools required to implement their ideas or to facilitate internal disruption among established players. […]

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