
Quantum computing for everyone, in particular the director

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IBM expects quantum computing to experience a real breakthrough in 2018 [link to the previous blog], impelled by a combination of rapidly growing processing capacity (to 50 qubits), new applications and new problem areas. This offers opportunities galore for companies and their managers.

With our IBM Q-initiative, which is accessible to everyone, we are in constant contact with people at the board level, who are responsible for issues such as technology, research and innovation. In particular, large manufacturing companies and companies that conduct complex research utilize our facilities. They generally need high-level interaction with our own quantum researchers.

This is why we are currently working hard on our Q Networks, with which we can offer custom service to these large parties at reasonable rates. In so doing, we are creating a sort of academic environment for various research domains with people at the right level. The collaboration is generally based on shared intellectual property. We are also making it possible for other interested parties to experience IBM’s cloud-based Quantum Experience [Link: ] themselves for free via the web interface.


We are extremely interested in the mathematical challenges and problem areas of large customers and other users, because – thanks to this input – we can gradually discover both limits and possibilities. With IBM Q, we want to further advance our customers, our solutions and IBM as a company. After approximately a year, we will see how we can bring this to the market.

An ‘as a service’ model seems the most obvious approach. Quantum computing requires an extensive level of knowledge and is still quite expensive. However, the web interface is rather simple and the amount of incoming and outgoing data is frequently quite manageable. Latency or other restrictions hardly play a role, so that it makes little difference where the system is located. Moreover, as a customer, you profit from the current implementation of every technological improvement that we introduce. The same applies for the increase in qubits; you do not have to pay for an upgrade.

Amassing Experience

In short, nothing is preventing technology leaders and other interested parties from amassing experience with quantum computing. Once you are aware of its possibilities, as a director you can decide for yourself whether or not this technology offers possibilities for your particular situation. As IBM Q [link: ], we want to assist you on your particular path.


Adoption Leader | Watson & Cloud Platform | IBM

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