Steve Canepa

A First Look at What a 5G-Enabled World Looks Like, Courtesy of Samsung and IBM

For years thought leaders in the technology, telecommunications, and media spaces have offered tantalizing visions of how 5G will transform society: lightning-fast video downloads, self-driving cars, eSports, robotic factories, and other revolutionary technologies yet-to-be imagined. But these predictions often include qualifying language, reminding readers that, of course, no one can really predict the future, and […]

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Why the 5G Revolution Needs More than Fiber, Spectrum and Gadgets

Last week’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona spoke to the huge potential of 5G to transform both businesses and lives. The next generation of high-speed, low-latency connectivity promises to usher in a new era of highly contextualized, personalized and high-fidelity experiences that will help turn once far-fetched scenarios into reality. It lays the foundation of […]

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How Consumer Demand is Driving Media Companies to Get Personal

With an ever-increasing array of devices and over-the-top direct-to-consumer platforms, connected consumers are now clearly demanding high quality and personalized anytime, anywhere content experiences. Media and entertainment firms are now competing for three things – with each and every consumer – their time, advocacy and money. Consumers are spending more time watching video on their […]

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Using Cognitive to Compete in a Personalized Media World

Today’s media industry is changing at an ever increasing rate. Every day, there is more content created than any of us can consume; backed by nearly ubiquitous distribution. The by-product of this new direct-to-consumer world is data – the new natural resource – and the new competitive differentiator. Data has moved to the center of […]

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