Supporting Small Business with Blockchain and IBM Cloud

A small kitchen supplies manufacturer in France is delighted when it receives a large order from a mid-sized Italian retailer. The manufacturer is eager to respond, but first it needs a bank loan for working capital to fill and ship the order. Without a short-term loan, the manufacturer might not make payroll; without this order, […]

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Momentum Builds for IBM Watson’s Moonshot

Death rates from cancer have dropped 25 percent over the past two decades, according to the American Cancer Society. Yet there is much more to be done. The World Health Organization reports the number of new cancer cases is expected to rise by about 70 percent over the next two decades even as there is […]

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How Watson Helped Me in My Battle Against Lung Cancer

I’ve worn a few different hats in my life. I don’t mind being on the road, and prefer being outdoors when I can – whether it’s working in my yard, or even hunting alligators. So instead of retiring after spending 28 years on the police force in Coral Gables, FL, I decided to go back […]

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SETI Leans on IBM Cloud to Eavesdrop on the Cosmos

Earlier this year, the world took note when an international team of scientists discovered that three of seven Earth-size planets orbiting the nearby star TRAPPIST-1 were in the habitable zone. Solar systems with this many planets are a rare find in the galaxy. Even rarer, these planets are similar in size to Earth and could […]

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Science for Social Good: Science in Service of Humanity

Social responsibility has become a growing movement, with 64 percent of CEOs planning to increase investment in corporate social responsibility. Today, Fortune 500 companies alone give more than $15 billion annually towards finding solutions for global challenges and offer a breadth of volunteer programs, which allow their employees to contribute to communities where they live […]

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Cognitive Learning Goes to School with IBM and Sesame Street

Since 1969, Sesame Street has been a part of our lives in the U.S. and around the world. We watched it as children, and we’re now watching it with our children and even grandchildren. We’ve seen our lives reflected on the street and through the compassion of the loveable Sesame Street Muppets. For almost 50 […]

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A Trusted Treatment Option from Watson: Why Concordance Studies Matter

Hearing diverse opinions from multiple oncologists is an important part of a patient’s journey, what’s often referred to as getting a second – or third – opinion. And cancer docs, too, frequently consult with one another to confirm a decision or provide a new idea. That’s understandable because cancer is a complex and sometimes elusive […]

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5 nanometer transistors inching their way into chips

Announced at the 2017 Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits conference in Kyoto this week, IBM and our research alliance partners, GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Samsung built a new type of transistor for chips at the 5 nanometer (nm) node. To achieve this feat, the architecture – how the elements of a chip are arranged and the […]

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P-TECH: Reflections on a Milestone

When we launched Brooklyn P-TECH in 2011, we had high hopes – for our students, for the community, for a transformation in education that would restore (and then advance) our mission to serve the next generation. We thought we had the right idea: to connect high school to college and “new collar” careers. And we […]

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Using Cognitive to Compete in a Personalized Media World

Today’s media industry is changing at an ever increasing rate. Every day, there is more content created than any of us can consume; backed by nearly ubiquitous distribution. The by-product of this new direct-to-consumer world is data – the new natural resource – and the new competitive differentiator. Data has moved to the center of […]

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Three Principles for Bringing Augmented Intelligence to Life Sciences

In today’s healthcare system, we are not getting the value for the costs we are spending. It’s a complex issue with an equally complex set of potential solutions. But as the industry shifts to value-based care, we’ve reached a tipping point. It is important, more now than ever, that all players within the healthcare ecosystem […]

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How One Sales Manager Helped Reinvent the Customer Experience

When I stepped out of the City Furniture showroom in Tamarac, Florida, and headed to Cupertino, California, for a mobile app design session with IBM and Apple, I really didn’t know what to expect. My initial thought was that they needed someone to listen in and answer questions while the designers, developers and IT team […]

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