The Impact of the Cloud in Healthcare, Today and Tomorrow

In a world of increasingly connected patients and devices, the global healthcare and life sciences community has a renewed – and some would say sharpened – focus on improving patient engagement and health outcomes. As a result, many are exploring how an enterprise health cloud can support these efforts. What are they looking for? Health […]

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Committed to Technology Equality for People with Disabilities

The year 2017 will be remembered as a major milestone in the relationship between technology and equality. Earlier this year, updates were finally approved to the Section 508 Amendment of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that transformed turn-of-the-century accessibility guidelines for procurement and services of the U.S. federal government to encompass modern challenges and […]

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The CDO: Helping to Harness the Power of Data

Data used to be viewed by businesses as exhaust — a necessary but relatively useless output of projects that became a nuisance to store and maintain. Advances in analytical, and more recently cognitive, technology have changed that mindset for good. Data is now an asset that can be applied to benefit all aspects of an […]

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How AI and Machine Learning are Aiding Schizophrenia Research

In the U.S. about 20 percent of adults suffer from a mental health condition, ranging from depression to bipolar disorder to schizophrenia, and about half of those with severe psychiatric disorders receive no treatment. While early identification, diagnosis, and treatment for patients with psychosis tends to mean improved outcomes, there continues to be significant barriers […]

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Reimagining Technology Support with Autonomous IT

The vast amount of unstructured data from servers, networks, and social media, along with highly-personalized mobile devices and “always-on” IT expectations, requires a higher standard of support – support that can seamlessly transition between environments to identify, evaluate, and resolve issues consistently. However, today’s conventional IT support still relies on plenty of manual analysis and […]

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Protecting Data in the Cloud Era

The world is facing a data breach pandemic. Last year alone, more than four billion data records were lost or stolen, a 556 percent increase over 2015.¹ Of the more than nine billion records breached during the past five years, only four percent were encrypted – or securely scrambled – leaving most of that data […]

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Making Blockchain Real for Business with IBM and Hyperledger Fabric

New technologies with the profound power to change entire industries come about only once or twice in a lifetime. I was fortunate to be working at IBM in the early days of e-business and WebSphere and saw the powerful impact the Internet had on the way we share information. This accelerated with mobile and cloud making […]

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The Future of Bollywood Fashion is Cognitive

Fashion is ever-changing. Styles that once seemed evergreen can fade away, and those looks that we thought would never make a comeback suddenly resurface. As designers, the creative space we must occupy to stay current and relevant is a delicate balance of gradual evolution and radical reinvention. Inspiration can come from anywhere – an old […]

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Building IBM’s Workforce of the Future

Today’s technology industry is evolving constantly. To be successful, companies must continuously develop, iterate and enhance their products and services. Fold in game changing trends, such as cloud computing and artificial intelligence, and businesses must adopt workforce strategies as dynamic as their products to meet customer needs and keep employees engaged and fulfilled. At IBM, […]

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The Next Generation of Infrastructure Services

Today’s environment is one where business needs are rapidly changing and business cycles are accelerating faster than ever. To grow successfully, businesses are requiring improved efficiencies from the digitalization of existing processes and the ability to rapidly launch new digital offerings. Enterprises need consistent and reliable support to run their IT systems across a “supply […]

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Why Consumer Brands Should Care About Blockchain

At the Consumer Goods Forum Global Summit in Berlin this June, I spoke alongside Frank Yiannas from Walmart about how blockchain is a collaborative solution that can help increase the traceability and transparency of food across the supply chain. In our digitized world, consumers are demanding accurate, real-time inventory information, faster service, and low or […]

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How American Airlines is Innovating Customer Travel with IBM Cloud

As the world’s largest airline, American Airlines is committed to providing an exceptional experience for our customers and team members based on industry expertise and innovation. That means we must continuously modernize and transform our business by developing the right tools and technology along the way. Technology was the foundation of American’s relationship with IBM […]

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