Exploring the Brain in Search of New Ways to Combat Disease

Understanding the brain is one of the grandest challenges we have in science. By understanding the brain, we will understand how the brain creates our cognitive processes, how these processes are implemented in brain tissues, and how the brain differs from other systems we see and build. I’m a neuroscientist and have worked at modelling […]

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Reimagining Financial Services with Blockchain

Across every industry today, organizations are looking to streamline and automate processes to reduce costs, gain efficiencies, radically improve speed to market and achieve better business outcomes. The financial services industry in many ways is at the forefront of such initiatives – with particular focus on today’s currently disjointed and redundant processing and reconciliation challenges […]

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Cognitive Research Grows in Canada

Research is a key driver of how the world is shaped. It provides insight into society’s most important challenges and issues. It drives innovation, creates jobs, and contributes to the economy and the treatment and prevention of diseases. It also enhances our culture and diversity. Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario is one of Canada’s leading […]

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Bringing ‘Hidden Figures’ of Innovation to STEM

When I saw the movie Hidden Figures, I was struck by the determination of the so-called human “computers” – the African-American women whose mathematical calculations made it possible for astronaut John Glenn to be launched into orbit during the 1960s Space Race that coincided with American advances in Civil Rights. The inspiring stories of these […]

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The Power of Thinking Big: IBM Research’s “5 in 5”

Great scientific leaps rarely happen incrementally. They come from setting big, ambitious goals that move discovery forward. Think of the Wright brothers’ determination to fly, President John F. Kennedy’s pledge to put a man on the moon, or IBM Research’s resolve to build a computer that could understand spoken language and beat the greatest human […]

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Top Trends That Will Shape the Cloud in 2017

As the sun rises on 2017, a highlight of this New Year will be the gathering strength of the cloud. If the big question posed by businesses and their CIOs in 2016 was whether they should migrate to the cloud; in 2017 the question will be what is the best way to get there. A […]

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