Machine Learning Ushers in a World of Continuous Intelligence

For decades, data and analytics have played an important role in our economy. The process of analyzing data, however, remains labor intensive. Even with the most advanced techniques, data scientists spend countless hours developing, testing and retooling analytic models one step at a time. Worse yet, most organizations cannot find enough data scientists to complete […]

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How Cognitive is Helping One Hospital Curb ‘Code Blues’

Preventable medical errors remain the third leading cause of death in the United States, despite tremendous investments in healthcare technology to improve care, standardize practices, and make choosing “the next best action” easier for healthcare professionals. In Canada, Code Blue, the term used for emergency medical intervention, is the second costliest type of acute care […]

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Girding the Grid with Cognitive Computing

The electrical grid has become a network of billions of linked devices with highly complex energy and information flows. Add to this the elevated role of the consumer as a producer and you are looking at a massive volume, velocity and variety of data from smart meters, transformers, and substations that remains largely untapped. One […]

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Four Ways Blockchain Could Aid Governments

Governments around the world are facing challenges that range from budgetary pressures arising from economic stagnation to aging populations. Many have severely constrained resources, including the ability to access and analyze data to create greater economies. By making it easier to securely share data between institutions and individuals, blockchain technology could help relieve some of […]

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How Fordham, IBM are Teaming on Blockchain

You may wonder what a 175-year-old Jesuit university in the heart of New York City might have in common with IBM, a global icon of modern technology. Let me assure you that we are linked in ways both deep and longstanding: driven by shared commitments to the human family, to fearless inquiry, and to the […]

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The In-Store Retail Imperative: A Return to Relationships

30 years ago the owner of the corner store knew each customer by name, what kind of gifts husbands wanted for their wives and what kinds of items families picked up each week. Over time things have changed. Retail shops merged into multi-category super markets and department stores and ownership consolidated into larger, and larger […]

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Reinventing Retail Service for Shoppers on the Move

In a Darwinian retail marketplace that demands the survival of the fittest, individualized service is a differentiator and a competitive advantage. Unlike the traditional definition of service, when a hotline and a store greeter might suffice, today’s uber-ization of every industry means that the last best experience that anyone has anywhere, becomes the minimum expectation […]

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Transparency and Trust in the Cognitive Era

We are in the early days of a promising new technology, and of the new era to which it is giving birth. This technology is as radically different from the programmable systems that have been produced by the IT industry for half a century as those systems were from the tabulators that preceded them. Commonly […]

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Revealing the ‘Hidden Figures’ of STEM

Watch this short video on the making of the inspirational, Hidden Figures, a movie based on the acclaimed book of the same name that chronicles the early lives of three remarkable African American women who helped NASA calculate man’s first orbital flights around Earth.

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Customer Engagement in the Center Aisle of Retail

A serious challenge is slowly brewing in the retail industry and will certainly be part of the buzz at next week’s National Retail Federation conference in New York City. As more consumers flock to brick & mortar stores for more personalized shopping experiences, a new study shows that the vast majority of retailers still do […]

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Move Over Millennials: Generation Z is Retailers’ Next Big Buying Group

Millennials are currently retailers’ largest demographic, with a massive consumer base dwarfing the size of their once-dominant Generation X predecessors. And they love to shop online — during the 2016 holiday season, more than one-third of online shoppers were Millennials. But just as Millennials overtook Gen X, there’s another big buying group retailers and consumer […]

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Why We Patent

To some, today’s announcement that IBM once again led the U.S. in patents in 2016 might sound as predictable as snow in upstate New York in January. After all, this marks the 24th consecutive year IBM has received the most patents. It’s what we do, right? But to gloss over this news would be to […]

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