Rod Hamlin

VP Alliances, Redis Labs

Rod is a proven enterprise software sales executive having helped lead and grow several notable companies to IPO or successful acquisition. Before Redis Labs, Rod served as a senior executive at Couchbase where he was responsible for all global alliances and partnerships. He joined Couchbase after his company, WIMM Labs, was acquired by Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) in late 2012. Rod has been a senior executive for two publically traded companies, serving as SVP of Sales & Marketing at Opera Software,and as EVP of Global Sales and Services at Nuance Communications (NASDAQ: NUAN). As an early employee with CRM pioneer, Onyx Software, Rod helped the company achieve a global presence and dynamic growth, leading to a successful IPO on NASDAQ. Rod has served on several advisory boards including Spoke Software and Jibe Mobile (acquired by Google). Rod received his bachelor’s degree from Pacific Lutheran University, and attended the master's program in business administration at Seattle University.