By Bart Van Den Daele on June 13, 2017

Digitalization and automation in the Financial Services Industry – Tuning the Engine in Mid-Race

New entrants, new habits among consumers combined with changing economies and regulatory environments, are transforming banking services at the speed of light with disruptive business models. Consider that today banks face the following challenges: Less and less people do their banking in branches. Instead they are using their mobiles – to pay, to trade, to […]

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By Peter Gersak on April 25, 2017

Blockchain: your permanent record of business

We consider it a natural process that online transactions are getting smoother and faster day by day. Be it a purchase from your favorite webshop, an Airbnb booking or registering for a music streaming service, we want them to be quick, with as little friction in the process as possible. However as the digital economy […]

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By Zeljka Ticic on April 13, 2017

Un-hiding ‘Hidden Figures’ of STEM

Behind every great (hu)man on Earth and on Moon are great women We’ve all no doubt heard the recent clamor about the new movie hit, Hidden Figures. The movie gives a powerful glimpse into a moment of history which reveals a great deal about how far we’ve come as humankind. On the surface, it tells […]

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By IBM THINK Blog on February 22, 2017

Transparency and Trust in the Cognitive Era

We are in the early days of a promising new technology, and of the new era to which it is giving birth. This technology is as radically different from the programmable systems that have been produced by the IT industry for half a century as those systems were from the tabulators that preceded them. Commonly […]

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By IBM Research Blog on January 31, 2017

Get Ready for the Sentiment of Things

Is 2017 the year of the “Sentiment of things”? It could be if IBM Research intern Anca-Nicoleta Ciubotaru has her way. She recently took 3rd place in a hackathon using IBM Bluemix and IBM Watson services for a unique project which uses human stimuli to adjust the lighting in a room. Can you introduce yourself? […]

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By Dr. Marc Frincu on January 27, 2017

Lifting the Fog into the Clouds in Future Cities

There is currently an increasing trend in using the Internet of Things (IoT) in all areas ranging from personal devices to city scale systems. To paraphrase Jim Tully, former VP distinguished analyst at Gartner, the IoT is a revolution waiting to happen and when it finally succeeds it will fundamentally change the way we experience […]

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By Agoston Hortobagyi on December 20, 2016

Archiving in the Cloud

Fifty thousand tons. That is the yearly the volume of paper documents generated by Hungarian companies, for which they spend approximately 80-100 billion forints (2 600 000 EUR) on printing costs. Preparing and storing certified documents is extremely costly, not only to a company’s bottom line, but to the environment. Fortunately, the technological means to reduce both […]

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By IBM SEE Think Blog on December 13, 2016

Turning the digital journey into a cognitive business across South East Europe

On Friday I had an interesting video conversation with the Editor in Chief of the business wire SeeNews about IBM’s transformation, the need for data-driven decisions, blockchain and how we in IBM help our clients turn their digital journey into a cognitive business across South East Europe.  Key points: Over the past 80 years since […]

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By Zeljka Kovacec on December 6, 2016

Connecting for Success

Are you the one who cannot live without social media – post here or twit there, like this, dislike that, share your opinion, link, start conversation… Or maybe you can’t stand it. Or you are just observing what is going on. No matter where you recognize yourself, social media is part of our lives today. […]

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