By Dan Tonescu on November 24, 2016

I am thrilled with my new help in cooking! It is called IBM Chef Watson.

Hello everybody! Allow me to introduce my new help in cooking! It is called Chef Watson and is a cognitive cooking application from IBM. I am extremely delighted with IBM Watson and I have to tell you some things about what does it mean. Fifteen years ago I wouldn’t have thought that one day I […]

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By Gaia Montelatici on November 8, 2016

It was love at first sight: IBM CSC experts meet IHB entrepreneurs

Good news trigger a chain reaction that powers virtuous circles! It is logical sequencing, energy, positive reinforcement, good planning – a little of everything. This is why it was all so exciting from the very beginning when we learned that we were selected to participate in the IBM Corporate Service Corps program! All along, we […]

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By IBM SEE Think Blog on September 16, 2016

Bulgaria’s UniHospital Puts Technology at the Heart of Patient Care with IBM

Watch key highlights from the first YouTube SEE industry talk held on September 15, 2016 – through the press release below and at the end of the post. Sofia, BULGARIA, September 15, 2016 – IBM today announced that the new Bulgarian multi-specialty UniHospital, opened in June, is innovating in patient care via a private cloud […]

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By Florin Manaila on September 1, 2016

Organizational Challenges in Hybrid Cloud Adoption

An Infrastructure Perspective Five years ago, when companies were building their IT infrastructure, nobody was asking about API availability within components such as servers, hypervisors, storage, network, etc. Nowadays, wherever I go, every discussion about IT infrastructure is focused on the following questions: How can an IT infrastructure component be integrated into the data center […]

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By Ana Veir on July 14, 2016

Moving towards cognitive regional cities

Cities and their leaders will soon be able to understand and process all new information provided by citizens, for free. This way they will know what someone needs, as well as where and when. City processes will be dynamically optimized according to citizens’ needs. Leveraging the Internet of Things, a myriad of devices will communicate […]

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By Matjaz Cotic on June 26, 2016

When #ChefWatson enters the kitchen

Over the past 26 years of my professional career as a chef, I experienced many incredible things. Apart from cooking in Slovenia, my path and curiosity often led me across the world. I am convinced that cooks need to keep up-to-date with all innovations, which may come from a very unexpected areas. If you are […]

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By Svetlana Stavreva on May 21, 2016

If marketing was a crime… we should all be criminals today

As a proud Bulgarian I am deliberately borrowing the title of the best performing European song “If love was a crime” at the Eurovision song contest that ended last Saturday. We saw the Bulgarian song scoring #4 and the best in Europe almost unexpectedly – thanks to the votes from thousands of Europeans from 42 […]

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By Ivan Zugaj on May 10, 2016

Reinventing internal collaboration with IBM

While we at APIS IT are always focused on creating the best possible experience for our clients, we do realize that in order to live and work up to that promise, we need to rely on a “bullet proof” internal collaboration within the organization. Consider the fact that by the year 2018 we may see […]

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By Nikolaos Dimitriadis on May 4, 2016

Use Empathy to Win Your Customers’ Brains

Q&A: Three Questions for Dr. Nikolaos Dimitriadis 1. What does the expression “to step in client’s shoes” mean from an empathetic, cognitive and business point of view? This is a key aspect of empathy: the ability to step out of your own reality and think how other people perceive reality as well. Seeing reality through […]

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