What do CEE leaders say on digitalization, the role of techology in the COVID-19 pandemics and collaboration with IBM?

On top of the study, what do CEE leaders say on digitalization, the role of techology in the COVID-19 pandemics and collaboration with IBM?


“MMK is constantly striving to boost management efficiency, to develop and improve business processes, and to extend its high standards for planning and analytics to all of the Group’s companies. Improvements to the automated budgeting system mark another step in this direction. The transition to IBM solutions helped us not only to optimize and unify our budget planning processes, but also to increase their transparency. In addition, these solutions result in a more controlled process, thanks to the integration of all processes on a single information platform.”, Andrey Eremin, Director of Economics, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK), Russia


“In the wake of COVID-19, many companies around the world had to accelerate their digitalization and, regardless of the industry, to leverage technology in order to ensure their business continuity. We believe that, even beyond the challenges of the current pandemic, digitalization is a new way of doing business that can trigger important cost and time savings for our clients as well as new opportunities. Therefore, at UniCredit Bank in Romania, digital transformation is a strategic direction, and we have the ambition to be a top player in the digital banking area, in line with the multi-channel approach across the Group, and to offer our clients with banking products that really matter to them. We are successfully collaborating with IBM on different digitalization projects where innovation and security are at the heart of our initiatives”., Carlo Driussi, Head of GBS UniCredit Bank Romania, Romania.


“Technological innovations are completely changing today’s business landscape and models. We see numerous trends that will impact Oil and Gas industry, across all business segments and supporting functions. “, said Goran Pavlovic, Industrial Services Operative Director, INA. INA Group and IBM have a long-term collaboration in IT and we work together with IBM in the implementation of Business Process Automation using RPA technology. The latest fourth round of RPA project helped us to achieve better efficiency, accuracy and sustainability in the areas of Finance, Retail, Trading and Industrial Services.”


“Applying advanced technology solutions to ensure environmental friendliness and reduction of carbon footprint has always been our business priority. That is why, in 2020, we partnered with IBM by using the IBM E-POWER device in order to improve energy efficiency, power quality and our carbon emissions.”, said Dr. Peter Venturini, Managing Director, Helios TBLUS.


Artur Dyczko, Vice-President of the Management Board for Technical and Operational Matters at JSW SA, the largest coking coal producer in the European Union: “The pandemic outbreak had a huge impact on how companies operate on the market. The need to ensure remote work, especially for large teams, resulted in accelerated digital transformation and quick implementation of solutions, that were planned for the coming years. The company responsible for IT in our Group – JSW ITS – in a very short period of time developed and implemented our own system for conducting remote voting at management boards and supervisory boards in the JSW Capital Group and launched a remote access service to the workstations, which allowed over 2,500 employees to work remotely.

This caused challenges related to ensuring the security of systems and data. In the case of Capital Groups such as ours – operating in various areas, using different business processes, it is necessary to base the security system on open solutions that allow the integration of tools and data from various systems. IBM Cloud Pak for Security helps us reveal hidden threats, make more informed decisions based on risk analysis and prioritize the team’s activities”.


Working with the IBM Czech Republic AI professionals and designers, car manufacturer SKODA AUTO implemented a virtual AI-driven HR assistant to give job applicants the ability to apply for a job through a virtual conversation rather than by filling out extensive paper forms. Through the automated collection of data, the solution delivers proactive and personalized services to SKODA’s HR team while providing data privacy. IBM Watson Assistant can be run anywhere, in any cloud environment – on premises, or on any private, public, or hybrid cloud – giving businesses the ability to apply an enterprise-class, intelligent AI-driven assistant for all of the company’s data. The virtual HR assistant is running on SKODA’s IBM Cloud instance, providing enterprise security, with all the data RSA encrypted.

“Virtual assistants are a new form of communication channel for our applicants. This simple way to interact via a chat conversation with candidates is easy to use, and makes a good impression about SKODA AUTO during their first contact with the company. In developing the solution, IBM spent time with our recruiters and applicants on-site, to truly understand our needs, and demonstrated that the development can be fast and flexible,” said Jana Sramova, HR Care, SKODA AUTO.