IBM AI Toolset To Transform 9 Industries and Professions

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As data flows continue to increase, people are overwhelmed by the amount of information we have to act on every day, but luckily the information explosion coincides with another key technological advance: artificial intelligence, AI is the tool professionals need to take advantage of the data that’s now at our fingertips and tailoring AI technologies for specific industries and professions is a critical way to enable everyone to reach new potential in their daily jobs.

In a study of 5,000 executives released by IBM last week, 85 percent believe AI will allow their companies to obtain or sustain a competitive advantage and 77% of top performing organizations said they see customer satisfaction as a key value driver for AI.

IBM is releasing the largest ever AI toolset pre-trained for industries and professions to help businesses reimagine how they work. A key business advantage lies in tapping into organizational insights, historical customer data, internal reporting, past transactions and client interactions. These elements are too often underutilized.

Take for example:

· Agriculture: Today, IBM is making available globally the Watson Decision Platform for Agriculture. The platform gathers data from multiple sources – such as weather, IoT enabled tractors and irrigators, satellite imagery, and more – and provides a single, overarching, predictive view of data as it relates to a farm in an easy-to-use app.

· Customer service: Watson Discovery for Salesforce which became available today, gives customer service agents the relevant information about a caller’s request in real-time. No more lengthy training needed – Watson immediately presents the likely solution to a request, which can make even junior agents as effective as seasoned pros.

· Marketing: The new IBM Watson Assistant for Marketing feature, embedded into the Watson Campaign Automation SaaS solution for marketers, can help by converting the busy work of marketing into a simple conversation with Watson.

· Advertising: Subway used IBM’s new WEATHERfx Footfall with Watson to design ads based on shifting weather patterns. Why advertise hot sandwiches when it’s hot outside? During its advertising campaign, Subway increased traffic by 31%, far exceeding all other targeting methods. In addition, they saw a 53% reduction in campaign waste.

· Buildings: Combining industrial IoT and AI, IBM IoT Buildings Insights can decode the exabytes of data that commercial properties create so that building managers can leverage that data to help reduce energy costs and understand occupancy dynamics in buildings.

· HR: The average hiring manager flips through hundreds of applicants a day, spending approximately 6 seconds on each resume, which can make it difficult to make well-considered decisions. IBM’s new AI functionality for HR analyzes the background of current top performing employees from diverse backgrounds and uses that data to help flag promising applicants. It provides an indicator of success and can help address bias in hiring decisions.

· Manufacturing: IBM is releasing specially-crafted Watson toolsets to help industrial teams reduce product inspection resource requirements significantly using visual and acoustic inspection capabilities.

· Vehicles: AI will also play a role on the front lines of product development. Since 47% of projects fail due to inaccurate or poorly written requirements, IBM is bringing the power of AI to the next generation of our Requirements Management solution.

· Supply ChainWatson can incorporate weather data, traffic reports, and regulatory reports to provide a fuller picture of global supply issues. And, today, IBM is making this technology available to the world with Watson Supply Chain Insights.

Find out more how AI technologies are transforming industries and professions in the South East Europe at our third annual Think South East Europe conference in Bled, Slovenia, at November 6-7, 2018.

Register today at and let’s keep the conversation going.


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