
You got Hacked!

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When it comes to cyber-attacks, the question is no longer if you’ll be breached — but when it will happen! That means you need the ability to detect a breach or vulnerability in near real-time, and have an immediate incident response system that can deal with the threat in minutes before widespread damage can occur. Feel terrified yet? – Read on, you can still take action in time.

Immediate Incident Response

IBM’s X-Force IRIS (Incident Response and Intelligence Services) is available 24×7 and can help you contain the cyber incident and limit the damage.

IBM X-force has a list of contact numbers that can be used locally to reach the x-force hot line.

More information can be found here.

Real-time Situational Awareness

The other measure is to use IBM’s Big fix technology; IBM Big Fix has a single agent that resides on every endpoint, on and off your corporate network. The agent continuously enforces and reports on compliance status, giving you real-time situational awareness to detect non-compliance, potential threats and vulnerabilities.

With its automatic quarantine and custom remediation capabilities, IBM BigFix responds to advanced threats and vulnerabilities in minutes. That means you have an immediate incident response system that can minimize damage in the event of a breach or attack.  Using our automated patch management capability, clients have reported achieving a 98% first pass patch success rate.

The above initiatives are examples of how to take immediate action and start securing your business right now. You do not want to end up in a situation being hacked! You want to end up in a situation being ‘unhacked’.

Watch this video.

If you have any question do not hesitate to contact me at

Security Strategy Risk & Compliance Lead - Nordics

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