Why containers hold a huge promise for building ecosystems

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We often hear that companies should focus on their core and what they are good at. However, companies should not forget that collaboration with others can make them even more relevant to their clients than they already are. 

Last week, Origo, in collaboration with IBM, held a one-day event on Cloud, Cloud Paks, and AI in Iceland. At the event, the participants gained valuable knowledge on how to utilize the capabilities that IBM’s industry-first technology solutions within the fields offer. Specifically, the participants learned how they can:

  • build, modernize, automate, and manage secure workloads across any cloud.
  • turn data into value and insights.
  • expose value in modern applications.
  • manage applications anywhere/anytime.

Containers as a mean for building ecosystems

Henrik Toft (Transformation Architect, IBM European CTO Team) speech was especially focused on container technology. Henrik explained why containers hold a huge promise for building valuable ecosystems. As an example, he argued that blue lagoon operators/businesses can potentially gain tremendous business opportunities in an easy way by infusing artificial intelligence-powered offers in collaboration with local hotels or airline companies.

You can learn more by watching the video below (sound in English):

If you would like to discuss how deploying IBM Cloud, IBM Cloud Paks, and AI can help your business advance, please do not hesitate to contact me at Likewise, you are welcome to send me an email if you have any other questions.

Country Manager Iceland, IBM

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