
A webinar series: The IBM Cloud

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An IBM-commissioned study by McKinsey & Company shows that most enterprises are only 20 percent of the way into their cloud journeys. This includes applications like Office365, Salesforce etc. All the low-hanging fruits. Now is the time to look at how to move the remaining workloads to the cloud – your more mission-critical applications.

With IBM you get a faster and more secure journey to cloud. To help you with this journey, we have gathered a cloud webinar series – free of charge.


How to start your journey from VMware based infrastructure to a full-blown hybrid cloud native environment

50% of VMware workloads are forecasted to be in the cloud by 2021. But what is going to happen with the remaining 50%? A lot of workloads will stay in your basement – maybe due to compliance, latency requirements etc. Your answer is hybrid cloud.

Migrate your existing VMware workloads to IBM Cloud and get:

  • Improved performance
  • Speed of deployment
  • Reduced costs
  • Cloud agility
  • And much more!

Listen to the webinar and learn more about your advantages in moving VMware workloads to IBM Cloud.

Multi-Cloud Management across AWS, Azure, Google and IBM

Today’s hybrid, multi-cloud environment is a challenging world with different cloud vendors, private clouds and public clouds. With a multi-cloud management platform, you will achieve movement, connectivity and consistency of management of workloads and data across all of your clouds.

Listen to the webinar and learn more about how you can manage your clouds.

Kubernetes Services – The foundation for your App modernization

Kubernetes has evolved rapidly and is today the de facto standard for new cloud applications and existing application undergoing modernization. Kubernetes has many great features, but it is complex to manage. The IBM Kubernetes Service is a fully managed service, secure and easy to use.

Listen to the webinar and learn more about how to modernize your existing apps and build new cloud native applications.

IBM Cloud: Where to start? Just click here

We hope you will learn a lot with this cloud webinar series and that your journey will become much easier.

Do you need any further information, please send an email to

Cloud Product Marketing Manager

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