
LIVE DEBATE – IBM Project Debater

Intelligence Squared Debates At Intelligence Squared U.S., they have debated AI before – the risks, the rewards, and whether it can change the world – but for the first time, they have debated with AI. In partnership with IBM, Intelligence Squared U.S. has hosted a unique debate between a world-class champion debater and an AI […]

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Switch to eBilling & save 60%

IBM Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Services provide visibility into your invoices, orders, messages, inventory and onboarding facilities. You can implement one process for all trading partners, regardless of their size or technical expertise. Reduce or even eliminate the manual processes involved in the exchange of paper documents, faxes and phone calls with customers and suppliers. […]

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Optimise your industrial performance with the IBM Plant Advisor

Would you like to improve your low preforming operator to perform as the best within 3 months? IBM’s Cognitive Plant Advisor (CPA) is currently being piloted in a plant at a global manufacturer, with the ambition to implement and scale across >40 production facilities. By providing actionable set-point recommendations, we want to enable our client […]

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What Watson Analytics means for the World and You

Watson Analytics offers you the benefits of advanced analytics without the complexity. A smart data discovery service available on the cloud, it guides data exploration, automates predictive analytics and enables effortless dashboard and infographic creation. You can get answers and new insights to make confident decisions in minutes – all on your own. If you […]

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Step up to the cognitive era with Watson for Cyber Security

As humans, we sense and respond to situations using a lifetime of experience and learning. When an organization’s security systems can do the same, it arms its security professionals with the collective knowledge and instinct to respond to threats with greater confidence at scale and speed. A cognitive business outthinks and outpaces threats with security […]

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With mobile security, one solution can cover all

With modern mobile devices able to perform a wide range of tasks, security solutions for them have to be comprehensive. From emails and apps to documents and web, every function has its own set of challenges and will also require IT policies to be implemented and maintained. The whole process can be complicated and overwhelming […]

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The infrastructure demands of the future

The data all around us, and the number of devices accessing that data, is growing at an incredible rate. The number of connected devices worldwide is set to grow from 10 billion to 75 billion by the end of the decade. This puts pressure on all organization, but managed service providers especially, to make sure […]

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