
Turbocharge dine kunders svartider med IBM Flash – Test en uge uden beregning!

Leverer du også services til dine kunder hvor svar tiden er for langsom? Med IBM Flash tilbyder vi en revolutionerende ny og hurtig storage løsning til datacenteret, som gør op med det dilemma, hvor man er nødsaget til at købe mere disk kapacitet end man har behov for, for at kunne levere den fornødne performance, […]

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More mobility for clients – more revenue for developers

As more and more demand is placed on IT departments to build and support mobile apps and be accessible to users at all times, organizations are turning to MSPs to expand their resources. While this presents MSPs with quite an opportunity, how do you best take advantage? Register for your 30 day free trial and […]

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Free IBM Bluemix trial

– A platform where developers can act like kids in a sandbox – except this box is enterprise-grade If you’re a developer, you now have a hand in creating the future. Bluemix offers you all the instant services, runtimes, and infrastructure you need to push your ideas into the present Click here to sign up […]

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