
Din väg till Open Innovation?

Dagens Power plattform förnyar sig ständigt och det anses nu vara den framtida plattform för Open Source och Linux. Vi erbjuder dig att komma och höra om de nya möjligheter Open Innovation kan ge dig och dina kunder med fokus på kostnader, prestanda, tillgänglighet och säkerhet. Du kommer att få en uppdatering om var Linux […]

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Security: 360-degree insight for Service Providers

– If the challenge is security, the solution might be QRadar Given the explosion of data, organizations today are exposed to more risks than ever – both in volume and variety. IBM is here. The IBM QRadar® Security Intelligence Platform is an integrated family of products that can help detect threats that otherwise would be […]

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Mobility – the new edge for Service Providers

As mobile technology rapidly grows around the world, driving productivity, more and more organizations struggle to manage it effectively. That creates a real opportunity for MSPs. With the right mobile solution, you can build and deliver mobile apps efficiently and effectively. And you can leverage the cloud to scale as needed with the security you […]

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Anmälan till IBM Storage Partner Update Sverige

För några månader sedan annonserades Spectrum Storage & ny generation Flash System. Under Edge2015 i Las Vegas kommer ännu fler nyheter! Ta del av det senaste från de bästa! Välkommen till Storage Partner Update i Stockholm den 26 maj 2015! När: 26 maj 2015, 08:30-12:00 Plats: IBM Kista Entré, Isafjordsgatan 1, Kista Anmäl er idag! […]

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Webinar May 14: Cloud for Managed Services Providers – A Winning Combination

We would like to invite you to this webinar focused on business partners (MSPs/CSPs/ISVs…) where we will see how to develop new opportunities based on cloud infrastructure.Save the date: 14th of May at 11h CET (Central European Time) Register here https://ibm.biz/BPSoftLayer_May Date: 14 May 2015 Time: 10:00 – 11:00 (Ireland Time) Hosted by: Manuel Daza […]

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Webinar April 30: Cloud for Managed Services Providers – A Winning Combination

We would like to invite you to this webinar focused on business partners (MSPs/CSPs/ISVs…) where we will see how to develop new opportunities based on cloud infrastructure.Save the date: 30th of April at 11h CET (Central European Time) Sign up here https://ibm.biz/BPSoftLayer_April Date: 30 Apr 2015 Time: 10:00 – 11:00 (Ireland Time) Hosted by: Manuel […]

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Softlayer webinar April 2. Innovate your business with IBM Cloud

Webcast Register here https://events.na.collabserv.com/portal/wippages/register.php?id=dbb9b8bbc0&l=en-US Innovate your business with IBM Cloud Date: 2 Apr 2015 Time: 10:00 – 11:00 (United Kingdom Time) Hosted by: Adrian McGrogan (IBM) Softlayer : Innovate your business with IBM Cloud SoftLayer, a leading provider of cloud computing infrastructure–including dedicated servers, managed hosting and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). SoftLayer has built […]

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Frukostmöte: Världens bästa moln – SoftLayer

IBM bjuder på frukost och pratar molntjänsten Softlayer. Passa på att få lite frukost på väg till jobbet och lyssna på hur er verksamhet kan växa genom att ni nyttjar SoftLayers molnplattform. Välj bland 3 olika tillfällen: 8 april klockan 8:00 – 10:00 Chokladfabriken Söder, Renstiernas gata 126 maj klockan 8:00 – 10:00 Chokladfabriken City, […]

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Softlayer webinars in March

We would like to invite you to this webinar focused on MSPs where we will see how to develop new oportunities based on cloud infrastructure. 19th March -> https://events.na.collabserv.com/register.php?id=46c43f22eb&l=en-US These Webinars will cover: – Intro to Softlayer – Softlayer differentiators – Customer cases – Portal demo – MSP Program benefits Technical Webinar the 12th of […]

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