
Your Data Protections as a Service demo is here

Powerful data protection with incredibly easy management As an MSP, you can take the lead in offering solid protection for your clients’ data. We have a low-maintenance solution delivering enterprise class security through an easy-to-use interface. You can offer DPaaS (Data Protection as a Service), using the combination of IBM Spectrum Protect and the Frontsafe […]

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Your data protection investment for on-premise and cloud-hosted assets

Data security and backup is a hot topic, with many businesses now being driven by information. Services providers face a challenge in being up to speed in this area. Many organisations are considering backup solutions that can cover both on-premises technology and offsite cloud capabilities. IBM is leading the way in enterprise data protection with […]

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The future of your Cloud business – IBM Spectrum Storage

IBM Spectrum Storage™ boosts your Cloud business by unlocking the potential of data and increases agility and efficiency in ways that weren’t possible until now. Even with a limited budget, IBM Spectrum Storage can help you accelerate the growth of your Cloud business, cut costs and add significant new capabilities to your Cloud storage environments. […]

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Anmälan till IBM Storage Partner Update Sverige

För några månader sedan annonserades Spectrum Storage & ny generation Flash System. Under Edge2015 i Las Vegas kommer ännu fler nyheter! Ta del av det senaste från de bästa! Välkommen till Storage Partner Update i Stockholm den 26 maj 2015! När: 26 maj 2015, 08:30-12:00 Plats: IBM Kista Entré, Isafjordsgatan 1, Kista Anmäl er idag! […]

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