
Frukostmöte: Världens bästa moln – SoftLayer

IBM bjuder på frukost och pratar molntjänsten Softlayer. Passa på att få lite frukost på väg till jobbet och lyssna på hur er verksamhet kan växa genom att ni nyttjar SoftLayers molnplattform. Välj bland 3 olika tillfällen: 8 april klockan 8:00 – 10:00 Chokladfabriken Söder, Renstiernas gata 126 maj klockan 8:00 – 10:00 Chokladfabriken City, […]

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Reign from the cloud

In order to introduce you to the powerful capabilities of SoftLayer, here are two free webinars to showcase the advantages you can gain with, SoftLayer over other IaaS providers. Based upon glowing customer references and case studies we will touch on these vital questions… Link to webinars

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SoftLayer, Storage and Backup – Webcasts

Don’t miss the upcoming Webcast series! You can keep you up to date about the latest webcasts and News in joining the professional Network Groups LinkedIn ( or Xing ( (Google+ coming soon) 27th of November – Specialty Webcast – Aspera (English – with guest speaker from Aspera) English: ——————————— 4th of December – […]

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Softlayer intro (Webcast)

Sign up for this Introduction Webcast with focus on Security and Networking. During this webcast we will show you were to start and give you an insight into the Advantages of SoftLayer. This entails seing the advantages of the different infrastructure delivery models as well as demonstrating how you can utilise SoftLayer’s unique private network. […]

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See why you should adopt the cloud without compromise

See why you should adopt the cloud without compromise A development problem is no reason to stop An issue raised during development of an application? I sense you want to put on the brakes, hit the panic button and isolate the problem. You’re not going to move until the problem is fixed. That’s the […]

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