
SoftLayer offers three main ways to deploy your solution to the cloud

SoftLayer provides a set of key features that set the platform apart from the industry. The ability to deploy to bare metal servers, virtual compute instances and private clouds makes complex deployment architectures possible. The unified management of the platform makes it easy to consume the wide range of services that SoftLayer offers. Triple Network […]

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Softlayer webinar – Infrastructure services

Three advantages of using SoftLayer for cloud deployment Whenever you think about choosing a cloud provider, there are a few obvious questions to consider. Reputation and capabilities are certainly two of the first ones that come to mind. But there are also topics that usually don’t get that much thought in the initial selection process, […]

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Grow your revenue with extended offerings

Raise profits through increased service offerings Many MSPs are reducing expenditure while introducing new innovations for their clients. These benefits are made possible through SoftLayer, a hosting platform that enables service providers to offer IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services. IT specialist Vissensa has taken on the flexibility of SoftLayer in order to help it attain […]

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Lunch and Learn på IBM Cloud Seminar

Velkommen til IBM Cloud Seminar; DreamIT! BuildIT! Nettskyen gir deg valgfriheten og fleksibiliteten du har ventet på, og vi ønsker å gi deg en introduksjon til IBM Cloud for raskere innovasjon og vekst. Spar tid med selvbetjening og gi brukerne den programvaren de trenger, samt tilgang til infrastruktur hvor det kan utvikles mobile applikasjoner. Hør […]

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Softlayer webinars in October

Join IBM’s SoftLayer webinars and experience how SoftLayer will enable you to reach bigger revenue and become more competitive. The cloud isn’t a commodity. Virtual servers aren’t the same everywhere you go. Try the cloud that was built from the ground up to be the best-in-class cloud solution for your business today. In our Webinar’s […]

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Skab lønsomhed gennem cloud-løsninger!

92% af alle midsize-forretninger vil investere i cloud-løsninger inden for de næste tre år! Nu kan din virksomhed tage et stort skridt ind i fremtiden, og skabe mulighed for øget lønsomhed via IBM’s ekspertise og erfaring. Vi giver jer derfor muligheden for, at hente en gratis kopi af “IBM MSP Handbook”, hvor vi uddyber teknologien […]

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Partnering with SoftLayer

Taking your business forward with this great partnership Partnering with SoftLayer enables you to reach bigger revenues and become more competitive. You can stand to gain a rich array of benefits, from technical to financial. A choice of specifications, from processors and firmware to data centre location. Predictable billing, allowing you to budget for what’s […]

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The world’s leading electronic signature provider expands into new markets with IBM Cloud

e-SignLive™ by Silanis has capitalized on its strategic relationship with IBM Cloud to bring its e-signature software to six new key international markets by the end of 2015. This global expansion, enabled by IBM Cloud’s growing network of data centers, will support e-SignLive’s 300 percent increase in worldwide usage over the past year and position […]

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Kom til Breakfast seminar om hybrid cloud i Holte og Århus den 30. september og den 1. oktober

Vi har hermed fornøjelsen af at invitere dig til en række breakfast seminar i løbet af efteråret. Det første har fokus på hybrid cloud og SoftLayer og afholdes 30. september i Holte og 1. oktober i Århus. Fra kl 8-10. I kan læse mere her: Næste arrangementer bliver: Security: 29. oktober i Århus & […]

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