
Differentier dig fra konkurrenten med Security Intelligence

Nedenfor kan du se en 3-minutters video med vores kunde, KocSistem, en førende IT Service Provider, som har integreret IBM’s security intelligence-løsning, QRader. Du kan bl.a. høre om de mange fordele der er ved at udnytte den skalerbare “multi-tenant”-platform. Kundereference (3:20 min). Du kan også få din helt egen prøve på QRadar, og se om […]

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Undvik fallgropar i den mobila åldern

Hur du förbättrar din mobila säkerhet. Med den fortsatta övergången till att arbeta från mobila enheter kan det vara en utmaning för tjänsteleverantörer att hålla sig uppdaterad gällande sårbarheterna som förs in företagsnätverk vilket är en utmaning som påverkar både dig och dina kunder. Surfplattor och smarta telefoner kan vara de svagaste punkterna i ett […]

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How to improve your Mobile Security

Security and MaaS360 With the continuing shift to working from mobile devices, it can be a challenge for service providers to keep on top of the vulnerabilities brought into business networks; a challenge which affects both you and your customers. Tablets and smartphones can be the weakest spots of a company’s network if left unprotected. […]

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IBM’s CEO on hackers: “Cyber crime is the greatest threat to every company in the world”

The British insurance company Lloyd’s estimates that cyber attacks cost businesses as much as $400 billion a year, which includes direct damage plus post-attack disruption to the normal course of business. Some vendor and media forecasts put the cybercrime figure as high as $500 billion and more. The World Economic Forum (WEF) says a significant […]

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IBM’s CEO on hackers: “Cyber crime is the greatest threat to every company in the world”

The British insurance company Lloyd’s estimates that cyber attacks cost businesses as much as $400 billion a year, which includes direct damage plus post-attack disruption to the normal course of business. Some vendor and media forecasts put the cybercrime figure as high as $500 billion and more. The World Economic Forum (WEF) says a significant […]

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Flexible Scalable Security Solution for service providers

The flexible and scalable security solution for service providers According to Gartner’s study ‘Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management’, IBM is the leader in SIEM. QRadar is a flexible multi-tenancy solution, designed to lower expenditure while providing up-to-date protection. Our three-minute video shows how a serviceprovider can establish security intelligence. Watch our video […]

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Welcome to InterConnect 2016 in Las Vegas

IBM InterConnect 2016 is for those who are building new business models, transforming industries, and creating better outcomes. Whether you’re a C-suite executive, IT leader, developer, designer, architect, or cloud expert, we all have one thing in common-we strive to build better businesses. The relationship between IT and business is changing. As a leader, builder […]

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Your data protection investment for on-premise and cloud-hosted assets

Data security and backup is a hot topic, with many businesses now being driven by information. Services providers face a challenge in being up to speed in this area. Many organisations are considering backup solutions that can cover both on-premises technology and offsite cloud capabilities. IBM is leading the way in enterprise data protection with […]

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Partnering with SoftLayer

Taking your business forward with this great partnership Partnering with SoftLayer enables you to reach bigger revenues and become more competitive. You can stand to gain a rich array of benefits, from technical to financial. A choice of specifications, from processors and firmware to data centre location. Predictable billing, allowing you to budget for what’s […]

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