
IBM BusinessConnect 2015 – vuoden merkittävin IT- ja bisnestapahtuma

IBM BusinessConnect -tapahtuma on ladattu täyteen inspiraatiota ja innovaatioita sekä uusia ajatuksia siitä, miten rakennat datasta ja osaamisestasi menestystarinoita. Ohjelmamme keskittyy niihin aihe-alueisiin, joilla on eniten vaikutusta käynnissä olevassa muutoksessa ja joilla uskomme olevan eniten potentiaalia auttaa tarttumaan uusiin mahdollisuuksiin. Aiheita ovat mm: Becoming a Digital Company New Way of Working Financial Transformation Compete with […]

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Does ubiquitous connectivity have to mean less security?

As the Internet continues to connect more people, places and things, a new range of security threats emerges. What does that mean for you and your clients? It means you need to be aware of the risks that are out there, stay informed and understand the latest technology available to protect your clients. See how […]

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More mobility for clients – more revenue for developers

As more and more demand is placed on IT departments to build and support mobile apps and be accessible to users at all times, organizations are turning to MSPs to expand their resources. While this presents MSPs with quite an opportunity, how do you best take advantage? Register for your 30 day free trial and […]

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Sikkerhed i skyen – Hvor hænger dine data i dag og i morgen?

Torsdag den 4. juni kl. 9.00 – 13.30 på Carlsberg Museum i København afholder B4Restore et arrangement, hvor emner som sikkerhed, compliance, persondata loven og hybrid cloud kan gå hånd i hånd og hvilke overvejelser virksomhederne bør tage. Til arrangementet er der indlæg fra både Kunden: Danske Commodities, Advokaten: Plesner, Revisoren: Verifica og Teknologipartneren: B4Restore […]

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Security: 360-degree insight for Service Providers

– If the challenge is security, the solution might be QRadar Given the explosion of data, organizations today are exposed to more risks than ever – both in volume and variety. IBM is here. The IBM QRadar® Security Intelligence Platform is an integrated family of products that can help detect threats that otherwise would be […]

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Replacement Systems Service

Replacement System Service Fast recovery An IT disaster (fire, theft, vandalism, hw/sw problem…) can cut off the IT systems for a long period of time, and the economic consequences are often major. Fast recovery of the IT-systems is important to limit the damages. Contents IBM Replacement System Service is built in modules with 3 elements: […]

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