
Differentier dig fra konkurrenten med Security Intelligence

Nedenfor kan du se en 3-minutters video med vores kunde, KocSistem, en førende IT Service Provider, som har integreret IBM’s security intelligence-løsning, QRader. Du kan bl.a. høre om de mange fordele der er ved at udnytte den skalerbare “multi-tenant”-platform. Kundereference (3:20 min). Du kan også få din helt egen prøve på QRadar, og se om […]

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Flexible Scalable Security Solution for service providers

The flexible and scalable security solution for service providers According to Gartner’s study ‘Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management’, IBM is the leader in SIEM. QRadar is a flexible multi-tenancy solution, designed to lower expenditure while providing up-to-date protection. Our three-minute video shows how a serviceprovider can establish security intelligence. Watch our video […]

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Security: 360-degree insight for Service Providers

– If the challenge is security, the solution might be QRadar Given the explosion of data, organizations today are exposed to more risks than ever – both in volume and variety. IBM is here. The IBM QRadar® Security Intelligence Platform is an integrated family of products that can help detect threats that otherwise would be […]

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