
IBM Watson Data Platform

IBM Watson Data Platform enables your team to collaborate with confidence, share access to data — no matter where it lives — find new and unexpected insights, and deploy machine-learning models that deliver business-changing results. Using this platform of integrated data and analytics services, the DataFirst Method, and our partner ecosystem, you can innovate, expand, […]

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ISS Turns to IBM Watson IoT to Transform Management of 25,000 Buildings Worldwide

ISS will use IBM’s Watson IoT platform, through consulting and advanced facilities management technologies to transform the services it provides to building owners and users around the world with the goal of making building more personalized, intuitive and user-friendly. Working with IBM’s Watson IoT platform, ISS will  integrate and analyse data from millions of devices […]

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Accelerating new business models with Watson Data Platform

IBM now offers a platform where corporations can secure a data driven culture between all components of the corporation, its data sources and professions. IBM Watson Data Platform helps you connect to all the data you need, whatever its type and wherever it resides; to discover insights using Apache Spark, machine learning and other advanced […]

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Introducing IBM Watson Data Platform

Data & Analytics everywhere In this era of digital transformation, data has become increasingly diverse and powerful. No matter your industry or your role, data is the key asset that can help you innovate and get a competitive edge. However, soiled systems hinder collaboration and creativity between today’s data producers and consumers while making it […]

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Elevator services made truly intelligent with Watson IoT

Global leader in the lift and escalator industry KONE has in collaboration with IBM launched a 24/7 Connected Service, which uses the Watson IoT Platform to bring intelligent services to elevators and escalators. The platform will gather data from sensors and systems connected to elevators and escalators in KONE’s maintenance base. This information will, with […]

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Undvik fallgropar i den mobila åldern

Hur du förbättrar din mobila säkerhet. Med den fortsatta övergången till att arbeta från mobila enheter kan det vara en utmaning för tjänsteleverantörer att hålla sig uppdaterad gällande sårbarheterna som förs in företagsnätverk vilket är en utmaning som påverkar både dig och dina kunder. Surfplattor och smarta telefoner kan vara de svagaste punkterna i ett […]

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SoftLayer offers three main ways to deploy your solution to the cloud

SoftLayer provides a set of key features that set the platform apart from the industry. The ability to deploy to bare metal servers, virtual compute instances and private clouds makes complex deployment architectures possible. The unified management of the platform makes it easy to consume the wide range of services that SoftLayer offers. Triple Network […]

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IBM Bluemix

IBMs Platform as a service tjänst som hjälper utvecklare snabbt bygga, hantera och köra webb och mobila applikationer. Betala bara för det du använder. Skapa konto idag, det är gratis! Klicka här for mer information.

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