
The Cognitive era of IT-Operations is here

Through bundling automation, Analytics and Cognitive computing, IBM was able to help Danske Bank deliver automated delivery, and innovative continual service improvement. Ensuring consistency outcomes and reducing human errors, whilst significantly removing delays in restoration of critical services, even preventing them before they occur. Immediately after the  implementation the number of distributed infrastructure major incidents […]

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Reducing incidents with Cognitive IT Delivery

Unfortunately, incidents have been a part of doing IT-business for many years – a part that most people would like to avoid completely. However, this is not that simple and in most cases not completely possible. But imagine if it was, or if we could drastically reduce the number of unwanted incidents? How do we […]

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Enterprise-grade Security Services to Safeguard your Cloud Environments

Cloud security is not only achievable, it is an opportunity to drive the business, improve defences, and reduce risk. When your business transforms security practices that are manual, static, and reactive into a more standardized, automated, and elastic approach, you’ll stay ahead of threats in your cloud environment. IBM can help you achieve this! Read […]

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