
Cloud Solution for today and tomorrow

While meeting today’s cloud demands is important for systems integrators, ensuring a system is prepared for tomorrow’s tech challenges is just as crucial. Cloud service provider Key Information Systems has sped up its runtimes as much as 48 times by using IBM’s Power8 technology. Find out how they have managed to slash hours off their […]

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Grow your market reach through QRadar

As SIEM proves to be a critical component for service providers to offer, it’s reassuring that IBM has yet again been recognised as a leader in security intelligence. QRadar – IBM’s leading security intelligence solution – has come top in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for SIEM. QRadar offers integrated end-to-end visibility with minimal up-front cost and […]

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Tap into the widest range of expertise to create your new marketing strategy

Marketing is a journey not a destination. Collaboration is key to improving the results on your marketing efforts. Journey Designer enables marketing agencies to design end-to-end experiences, which incorporate the skills and knowledge of all your teams. Users can set goals and work with members of your organisation as well as external partners and clients. […]

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Security on the go for service providers

As more and more people work from mobile devices, it can be tough for service providers to handle all the vulnerabilities facing business networks. It’s a challenge which affects not only you, but your customers, too. If left unprotected, smartphones and tablets can be the most exposed areas of a company’s network. To cover this, […]

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Spend less, make more and move faster

Our video shows how a leading service provider slashed report processing time from six hours to just four minutes. This MSP attained a hundred-fold increase in analytics performance without any code change: ff any questions – you will be able to chat with me – click here.

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InterConnect 2016

Attend InterConnect 2016 for an unrivailed opportunity to learn how you can build a better business with IBM. Please find below some highlights from the conference: 24.000 participants – and opportunity to expand your network Peer- to peer roundtables IBM EXPO Booth 2.000 sessions – business and technical hands-on sessions A lot of customer presentations […]

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May the force be with Bluemix!

Hi All, For everyone who is fan Droids, this video item is very interesting to watch. How to mind control a robot! May the force be with Bluemix. #BluemixMindControl is a reality! Move a BB-8 Droid using Your Mind Video

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Mer kraft for å forvandle din skybedrift.

Stordata (Big Data) og skyapplikasjoner er under konstant press for å bli levert raskere, mer sikkert og med optimal effektivtet. Cloud Serivce Providere må garantere ytelse og sikkerhet. Møter din infrastruktur den økende etterspørselen til kundene dine sin dataprosesseringsforventinger og aggresive applikasjonstjenester? Se hvordan IBM Power Systems kan hjelpe deg å møte disse utfordringene.

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Dataoppdagelse som gir deg det beste resultatet

Kampanjeresultater, sporing av samtaler, testmarkeder, kundetilfredshet: Alle er viktige variabler du må ta hensyn til ved planlegging av neste kampanje. Hva hvis alt dette ville vært tilgjengelig met kun ett tasteklikk og vist til deg igjennom et enkelt grafisk grensesnitt som er enkelt å forstå? Vel, nå kan du det. Gjør valg basert på dataen […]

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