
How the cloud can supercharge SAP HANA for you

The costs of maintaining your SAP database can be huge – both in terms of the time needed and in the cost of hiring the expertise to keep it in shape. With IBM Cloud Enterprise Application Deployment, systems integrators and MSPs have the ability to pick and choose the services they need and benefit from […]

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Why no customer is safe from attack

  Across the globe, data breaches are getting bigger, more sophisticated and are happening more often. From banks to dating websites, no organisation is safe from the threat of cybercrime, and so it’s essential that service providers keep right up-to-date with developments in security and pass them on to their customers. This infographic provides a […]

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How to drastically reduce IT infrastructure costs

A study of chief financial officers found that 70% of IT budgets are spent on maintaining existing operations just to stand still, rather than innovating and driving new insights to go forward. For managed service providers an integrated infrastructure can change all that by adding value and drastically reducing costs and time inefficiencies. This infographic […]

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Move forward and cut costs with integration

A study of chief financial officers found that 70% of IT budgets are spent on maintaining existing operations just to stand still, rather than innovating and driving new insights to go forward. For managed service providers an integrated infrastructure can change all that by adding value and drastically reducing costs and time inefficiencies.   This […]

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Is your IT infrastructure holding you back

Managed service providers are facing an unprecedented challenge to keep up with the latest trends in what customers want from their IT infrastructure in the cloud. Meeting that challenge, and ensuring systems are capable of adapting to future cloud developments, is crucial. This handy e-book explains the big changes happening in business IT, the changes […]

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Cloud Solution for today and tomorrow

While meeting today’s cloud demands is important for systems integrators, ensuring a system is prepared for tomorrow’s tech challenges is just as crucial. Cloud service provider Key Information Systems has sped up its runtimes as much as 48 times by using IBM’s Power8 technology. Find out how they have managed to slash hours off their […]

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IBM Softlayer Webinar For Managerd Service Providers

Anmäl er och lyssna på hur Softlayer kan komplettera Er nuvarande portfölj och göra er mer konkurrenskraftiga. Thu, Aug 27, 2015 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Länk:

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