
May the force be with Bluemix!

Hi All, For everyone who is fan Droids, this video item is very interesting to watch. How to mind control a robot! May the force be with Bluemix. #BluemixMindControl is a reality! Move a BB-8 Droid using Your Mind Video

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IBM’s CEO on hackers: “Cyber crime is the greatest threat to every company in the world”

The British insurance company Lloyd’s estimates that cyber attacks cost businesses as much as $400 billion a year, which includes direct damage plus post-attack disruption to the normal course of business. Some vendor and media forecasts put the cybercrime figure as high as $500 billion and more. The World Economic Forum (WEF) says a significant […]

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Watch the video interview with IBM’S CEO Ginni on IBM’S Biggest transformation and investments made in 100 years

Watch the video interview here with IBM’S CEO Ginni Rometty on IBM’S Biggest business transformation ever in 100 years:

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Download the inspiring Bluemix whitepaper :Bluemix as snackable software

Please read the inspiring Bluemix whitepaper written by IBM Bluemix Busines partner E-office in The Netherlands Rene Paul 11 november 2015 | 101 keer bekeken Whether you are a mature organization which needs to be and remain flexible to prevent disruption, or a start-up wanting to test something in no-time and without major investments […]

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Free webinar on Big Data on Bluemix on Wednesday December 2nd

On Wednesday 2nd December, our Bluemix Dutch team will organize a free webinar on Big Data on Bluemix. You are invited to attend. For free registration just click here and register. We hope to see you than. Best regards, Jean-Claude Chan 02 Dec, 2015 11:00 AMAmsterdam BIGDATA SERVICE OP BLUEMIX

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