
Skyen er ikke one size fits all

Næste generation af DIN cloud-forretning Udviklingen inden for cloud-opgaver har ændret Service Providers’ cloud-forretning samt kundernes efterspørgsel. Virksomheder, som investerer i ny teknologi, kan nu tilbyde mere avancerede og omkostningseffektive løsninger til deres kunder, og opnår derved en konkurencemæssig fordel. Hvordan kan din virksomhed tilbyde en skalerbar infrastruktur, som er dynamisk nok til at imødekomme […]

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How technology can help Utility companies keep the power customers

“How’s the weather?” is an everyday question. But that question can generate potentially devastating answers in today’s energy-hungry world. When temperatures soar or lightning strikes, energy and utility companies may have to scramble to meet air conditioning power demands or restore electricity to thousands of businesses, homes and families. According to a study of US […]

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Real-time insights skabte vinderstrategi for amerikansk tech-virksomhed

Insights som øgede rentabiliteten Et skifte til en mere datadrevet strategi skabte værdifulde resultater for den cloud-baserede IT-virksomhed, Carbonite. Deres nye analytics-platform har forenet deres online- og offlineverden, ved at konvertere real-time insights til salgsmuligheder og har derudover afledt: Reducering af kundeafgang til en værdi af $4 millioner USD Genereret yderligere $1 million USD i […]

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Flexible Scalable Security Solution for service providers

The flexible and scalable security solution for service providers According to Gartner’s study ‘Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management’, IBM is the leader in SIEM. QRadar is a flexible multi-tenancy solution, designed to lower expenditure while providing up-to-date protection. Our three-minute video shows how a serviceprovider can establish security intelligence. Watch our video […]

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OpenPOWER Technology in Softlayer

This year it has been announced that SoftLayer will offer OpenPOWER-based servers as part of its portfolio of cloud-based services. The new servers are developed to help clients better manage data-intensive workloads on public and private clouds. Cloud technologies – both private and public – are enabling organizations to extend existing infrastructure in an inexspensive […]

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Ta ledningen genom att erbjuda solitt skydd för dina klienters data

Vi har en lösning som erbjuder lågt underhåll och samtidigt ger säkerhet i företagsklass via ett användarvänligt gränssnitt Du kan erbjuda DPaaS (Data Protection as a Service) genom användning av kombinationen Spectrum Protect och mjukvaruportalen Frontsafe. Då utrullningen är snabb och kan erbjuda automatisk fakturering får du tid över att fokusera på din kärnverksamhet. Se […]

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Turn your back-up infrastructure into a revenue engine

Digital information is the most valuable asset to many organisations around the world. 22%*of IT decision makers say that they are or will be employing the cloud as an integral part of their backup process. Thanks to IBM’s world-class expertise in enterprise-class data protection, you can now offer innovative cloud-based storage security. IBM Spectrum Protect […]

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Softlayer webinar – Infrastructure services

Three advantages of using SoftLayer for cloud deployment Whenever you think about choosing a cloud provider, there are a few obvious questions to consider. Reputation and capabilities are certainly two of the first ones that come to mind. But there are also topics that usually don’t get that much thought in the initial selection process, […]

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Your data protection investment for on-premise and cloud-hosted assets

Data security and backup is a hot topic, with many businesses now being driven by information. Services providers face a challenge in being up to speed in this area. Many organisations are considering backup solutions that can cover both on-premises technology and offsite cloud capabilities. IBM is leading the way in enterprise data protection with […]

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